Bought some rather tasty carrot and coriander paté the other day. Highly recommended.
I am very pleased with the Catalan parliament, although if anyone in the Catalan region has matador costumes going spare, please could you send them to me? As you know, humiliating my band by forcing them into fancy dress (kilts, nun outfits, Italian Carbinieri uniforms etc) is one of my favourite past-times (being, as I now am, the old lady of indie pop, I have time on my hands) and I think Boz would suit a bolero jacket. I will then stage a corrida* as a feature during gigs on my next tour, where my band theatrically stab Quorn escalopes, and lots of tomato sauce will splatter the front row. I think it would be fantastic.
Have you all been buying the re-releases I've been re-releasing? I do hope so. Otherwise I shall unleash Bonny Langford, and you won't like that one bit.
*as you know, I much prefer a