What...I have a livejournal?...oh yeah...

Oct 07, 2004 21:47

So i haven't updated in like oh...three moons...so i figured i'd give it a go again...and i'm bored.

How's everyone doin? cuz i'm doin great. There's really not much that i can complain about right now. got an A- in calc, A in physics II, i could complain about lit/comp, but u've all already heard about it and i'm kinda getting over it, so whatever...

We practically finished up our YB deadline today...good stuff. well we're still sending in some fake pages, but that's ok we'll get them done and stuff, we'll be fine.

In other good news, tickets for both Wanda Sykes and Phantom came today...mucho excitamundo, dude! so much stuff to look forward too in the next couple of, well...months...

Bunches of college ppl are coming home this weekend which is good stuff, cuz i was going to go to IU with mike but i don't think i am anymore cuz i have too much stuff to do here. And we were going to go downtown or something (i don't really know) to replace homecoming, but now i don't think we're even doing that anymore cuz no one really wants to take the initiative to decide what we're doing or where we're goin or etc. It seems like a lot of the time (albeit not all of the time), we never do stuff if i don't call around and get ppl to the same place at the same time and tell them what we're doing...and i decided i'm just not going to plan anything for this saturday and see what comes out of it...so far my suspicions are confirmed, but there's still another 2 days.

There's an interdisc trip meeting tomorrow morning...yay fun. I haven't ever been to one of those since i didn't go last year...are they fun? I officially retract my yay fun from earlier, cuz i'm not entirely sure if they're fun...

I think that's about all for now, i'll talk to ya again after a few more lunar cycles have rolled around...
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