Leo's Pad above the Photo Hut, Tuesday Morning.

Feb 27, 2007 17:28

Leo, it may surprise people to know, kept a journal. That is, he did when he remembered to do so.

It was when doing a bit of cleaning, and finally getting around to moving clothes from his backpack to the dresser that he found the journal.

He poured himself a drink and moved to the couch to jot a few things down.

Of course his most recent experiences were freshest in his mind, so his weekend reliving his childhood went in first. He wondered what had become of the flying kid, and what the English chick would make of adult him. He wondered what Red would have been like.

Then he remembered the ghost in the cemetery, and chuckled. Hyde would definitely have dug that. Which then made him think of the other kids he’d met here. That Spilltyke guy for instance.

He hadn’t met as many groovy kids here as he had in…wherever it was he’d come from, but the adults were pretty groovy themselves. Cowboy lady, flamboyant guy, Butler dude.

He needed to meet more people. Maybe he should have a party.
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