Photo Hut, Friday

Feb 23, 2007 20:22

Leo sat back in the chair behind the counter, flipping through the book he'd gotten about Ghosts and finding them. He thought he might be sleeping with the light on in the apartment tonight. But the reclined position caught up with him, and he dozed off.

The Fandom Island Cemetery seemed a lot less scary with the Punk Rock Ghost caught in a net and hanging upside down over an open grave. Leo sighed with relief as he and Nooby collapsed in a heap by the mausoleum.

“We did it!” Marie cheered, coming out of hiding with Steerpike. Steerpike, as usual had a smug smile on his face.

Popping out from behind another tombstone, Aiden approached the ghost, which glowered at her. “Now let’s see who you really are.” She said, peeling the mask away to reveal…

“Dr. Venture?!” everyone exclaimed.

“That’s right.” Aiden smiled. “Dr. Thadeus Venture of Venture Industries. He was using the legend of the Punk Rock Ghost to conduct experiments on Human Behavior.”

“Zoinks man.” Leo said placidly. It was a lot easier to be mellow when you weren’t being chased through corridors with a million doors.

“But how did you know?” Annette asked, popping out of nowhere with a camera.

“The first clue was in the church.” Aiden explained. “The organ that played by itself. No punk rocker, alive or dead would play Amazing Grace on a pipe organ.”

“Then when Marie and I stumbled upon the grave,” Steerpike cut in. “The burned parchment with numbers on it that we first thought were the phone numbers of Punk Rock bands, actually correspond to the notes we saw in Dr. Venture’s office when we interviewed him about that Ghost.”

“But the clincher was when Nooby didn’t smell any drugs on her at all.” Aiden said. “That and watching her chase Leo and Scooby around, I could tell she wasn’t running like a young Punk Woman, she was running like an old scientist.”

“Hmph.” Dr. Venture groused. “I would have gotten away with it too. If it wasn’t for you meddling kids. And that damn Hippie.”

“Nooby dooby dooooooooooo!!!”

Photo Hut is open.

ooc: charectors in dream sequence used with permission

leo, photo hut

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