Jul 16, 2007 14:33
I started my first proper morning of freedom by stylishly sending my half full bowl of weetbix spiralling across the room. It was worthy of high marks for artistic flair. Messy.
I am without a job but I am not sad and I am not surprised at what has transpired. The place I used to work has been struggling to feed 2 designers enough work and have decided to replace one of the senior design positions with that of an intermediate designer/mac operator.
I am glad I don't have to work out the 4 week notice period, too weird for me. So I am collecting pay, accruing holidays and at the end of the 4 weeks I get outstanding pay, holiday pay, sick pay and 16 years redundancy. 16 years is equivalent to 34 weeks pay.
I have felt the environment at work has been "odd" for a few months and as such I have been avoiding unsafe work practices, including LJ. No excuses for lack of LJ activity at home though, except the fact that the wee woman wants my undivided attention all the time ... "are you on that damn computer again, get over here and pamper me now!" ;) ... anyway, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted and am so happy that my families well-being isn't in doubt in the short term.
I am hoping to have a new job sorted inside 4 weeks, so it's time for a hair cut (just a little one), a new hair colour and some exercise, gotta have that lean and keen demeanour.
The first thing to sort is a nice concise Resume, it's been a long time since I needed one!!