Very quick update once again...

May 08, 2007 11:06

So live has been relatively calm for the most part with a few climaxes here or there... Let's recap a little. April flew by, and I had some great fun during last month. I got to help students during a three week stay. I learned a lot about teaching, more than I would have just by staying at the campus taking classes. I'm glad they have block (field exerience) because it totally prepares you for what lies ahead. I will be student teaching in the fall. I have my placement and I'm ready to go! The only thing I'm bummed about is being put in 1st grade for my first placement. I don't want to teach the little little kids, I would love to teach anything higher than 2nd. But anyway... I'm going to miss my block placement completely. I'll miss the kids, my co-op, the laminating machine... *sigh* I'll have to e-mail my co-op to see how the children are doing.

So after block we went back to classes for a week. That blew. It stunk so bad... I just wanted to run away back to North Clarion. After the week of classes I went to Renae's wedding. She looked so beautiful in her dress. I can't wait to get my pictures developed. We all had such a wonderful time. I'm glad I got to go...

In other news, school is winding down. I have two finals today which shouldn't be too bad. I will be finished with school tomorrow for the semester and I'll have to check my grades. I have so many things I want to do... will I have time to do everything?!

Who knows what tomorrow will bring...

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