Getting home

Apr 04, 2008 16:20

For the last few weeks I've been very conscientious of how i get home after-school, mostly because my boyfriend takes me home a lot and he drives all the way from his school and has to wait outside mine until i get out of school in order to take me home. Everyday this week he has driven me home, to my delight.. not to the delight of my mother who complains that i get home too late. Anyway, everyday this week from Monday -Thursday i didn't expect him to and today, Friday, i didn't even think about it, it was only 'til very late in the day that i realized he wasn't going to pick me up everyday from school. So, i arranged a last minute ride to the Pico and Robertson bus stop from whence i waited in the chill (Jennifer had my sweater) and took in the smell of piss and rotten banana peel until the bus came to transport me oh so smoothly to my destination - home.

The bus is a genius invention. Don;t get me wrong, i love the bus to an extent, and today as i sat there waiting for it i began to fathom what level of difficulty it would be to navigate around Downtown L.A. on the bus system because i want to explore L.A. on the buses with my boyfriend. He drives too much. Way too much. And as easy as it is to be the passenger, sometimes he is tired and i don't like worrying about his driving and two, it isn't easy to be the passenger when all you want out of the ride is to be transported from place to place in his arms and with his gaze smiling down on me, like mine is up at him (which he can't even see since he is concentrating on driving). Thus, THE BUS!!!

However, this blog was not supposed to be a ramblings on the advantages that two obsessively touchy lovers can obtain from taking the bus instead of private transportation. Besides, gas prices - bleh.

anywho, so today i didn't ask for a ride home.. and in all fairness, he has been offering the rides and i've just been shyly accepting. And i guess that isn't fair that he has to always ask, since it is a service to me. But he has a lot of friends, and so much time after-school that i don't, he gets out at 2 and me 3. I don't enjoy asking him to leave a possible hang out session and WAIT for HALF AN HOUR outside of Hami until i get out.

i love seeing him after-school, even thgough sometimes after-school is when i am at my worst, all the stress and tiredness crashes on my after-school since i've spent the entire day ignoring it. 
but he makes getting home A LOT more pleasant.
I get to have the company i want, and a guaranteed better smelling environment, not to mention the lack of the bus driver  hitting on you "heellloooo" and scanning his eyes darkly across my body in a way that gave me an entirely new eerie chill, not to mention the hitting on by any other person, and loud people yelling "CESAR!!! don't walk away from me!"

idk, once i got home i had a voice-mail that said i could have asked for one.. but i didn't.
i guess i have the power.. i shouldn't be afraid to use it.

PArt of me is afraid of the power. and part of me is afraid of the dependency. I would have liked to see amado afterschool, but i had a good conversation with some people and at least now i have proved to myself that i can get home fine on my own.

MOnday i think i'll ask for a ride though.
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