Thank God for granting me/This moment of Clarity

Sep 02, 2004 15:10

Yesterday was my first time being able to access the internet for any extended amount of time and I was nearly overwhelmed. You can tell, my brain was jumping from topic to topic in such a way that many of you thought redshirting struck me down with some kind of devilish mixture of down syndrome and cerebral palsy. That, and the soul-crushing new brunswick heat that we've all come to know and love. Together they form some kind of brain-killing vortex within the depths of my cranium and seek and destroy any cohesive thought or plan of action in my head. C'est la vie I'm afriad. Business as usual and the show must go on.

Today finds me in the Busch computing lab in the ARC building. Not many people know of it's existence outside of Busch students, so I'm a bit surprised to find it packed at 1-3 pm. Speaking of which, I've been here all
that time. Why you ask? Well, oddly enough, it wasn't borne of any addict-like craving of the internet that I've been denied up till now. OK, well.. maybe a little bit of that. But it was mostly because I had to fill up this big gap between class periods for Chemistry of Crystal Structures and my Physics IIA Lab. I've mentioned it before, and I'll say it again: I love how smart my classes sound. People will think I'm smart for just that much longer in conversation before they inevitable come to the conclusion that I'm a world-class ass. But hey- those 10 minutes are grand, aren't they? I'd rather say that I'm taking something which makes me cry at night to a new co-ed as opposed to the usual: Dinosaurs, Geology, Math Theory (Well we're not gonna do math, but we'll think about it), and the like. Of course, they guys always end up being smarter than myself, or just scoring higher but at some point during the whole me-sucking process, I get to feel on top. The last laugh isn't always that important to me anymore.

Anyways, has anything else been up with me? Hmm not a whole lot. My roommate is a pothead, which can only mean bad things in the weeks to come. Last night I sat up in my bunk bed, stoned as shit, from what they were smoking below me. It's funny how people cast aside their differences, squables, and nuances when the time comes to do some drugs. I wonder what life would be like if the legalized the shit. Well mine probably would not change all that much, but others would probably be blown away by the differences it would create. I've always thought it would be a great idea, I'd rather have Johnny potseed have to take a trip down to the conveinance store to get his smoke on instead of having to paint himself black and catch a cab down to the docks so he can perform a C-section on a hooker named "Timmy" just to get his fix from her barren and dessicated womb. Everyone is happier, drugs can be grown and sold and taxed by the government. People I know can stop getting in trouble for what-should-be a minor offense. Hahaha honestly, if you can convince me how weed is worse for one than alcohol, maybe I'll change my mind. But alcohol is my drug of choice and it is a killer unlike any other. If I was high, I wouldn't have broken my foot, wouldn't have been raped, wouldn't have done quite a few other things that have made great stories. But then again, where's the fun in that?

Speaking of drugs, all-around Drug Czar and smuggler GABE has gone straight edge. Never before has an upset like this been seen in the history of Rutgers mind-destroying drug use. It's like Joanie without Chachi, Sonny without Cher, Fries without ketchup, or a Teddy story that didn't end in a hilariously tragic Stuff-Fucking. It just isn't right and it just doesn't happen. I remember one of the first times I met this girl. A quote I'll remember from that night is "Any day that I don't smoke weed just ain't gonna be a good day. Thats just it". Ahhh God bless your green heart Gabe. Other memorable moments include the "Gabe's snorting lines!" episode as well as the "Gabe & Co. tripping on shroomz". Perhaps the best known one took place in Danny's old room in Metzger Hall as Gabe was seen to be sipping from a sweet little bottle of, what else, but NyQuil. Yes, NyQuil tripping. My eyes bulged just a little bit as the conversation quickly segued from her Dora The Explorer bookbag to cough and sleep medicines. She really brought it all together when she started scratching at pretend sores around her body while muttering "Mommy needs her medicine!". Imagine my shock when she pulled out a fresh bottle of the stuff and with a happy "It's berry coooool", like some sort of perverted childs mascot, downed the bottle in seconds. Oh lord lord lord.

All this makes her straight-edge announcement even that must more surprising. I'm not sure how to take it, it as if one of the pillars of the world has been broken and torn asunder. It was just one of those things you could always count on, you know? The sun would rise, I would wake up confused and naked, and Gabe would be messed up. Where is there truth and consistancy anymore? WHERE?

That truth bit reminds me, about what I wrote about Marc/Mark- Laura Misthal's boyfriend. I finally met the kid after a year or so. I was in the college ave computing lab underneathe the student center typing away and generally getting my internet fix on. There was a kid sitting next to me, which was not unusual, since the lab was near full. As it turns out he as "mistakenly" looked at one of my IM conversations and saw that my name was Teddy, a name he had heard in the past. Laura had told him about me hahah and not everything about me, I would gather. He asked me a few questions about her... they started off with: How long did you know her, Did you two go to HS together, and whatnot. Then they went into the more serious delving kind of question. The kind of question that you would wish your girlfriend was cool enough to confront about face-to-face, but sadly isn't. The kind that you have sorta bothering you in the back of your mind when you're hooking up. They got a bit more serious like: What kind of girl was she back then, what kind of guy was her ex-boyfriend, is she the kind of girl to cheat, is she a slut and such. Funny, you've been going out for 8 months and you have no clue who she is, do you? While Marc/Mark was an alright guy meeting him, I will acknowledge the fact that he would be the kind of guy I hate anywhere else. Randy and Chris would describe him affectionatly as "Club Scum", with his overly greased back hair, his armani exhance tank top, and arrogant attitude. Just the kind of guy we love to hate, the kind that has been torturing poor Randall for ages.

I had no clue what to say to this guy. Specially since I was typing yesterday's update while he was still there. Was he still watching? Who could know. I was stuck between a monitor and a hard place. How could I be saying "oh no, she's no slut" when I'm typing "Laura is a huge slutface" at the same time? It'd be too much to do, so I just cut it short and moved on. Anyway, in response to his questions- I fought for Laura. Because regardless of whether we talk or not for however long, I still like her and shes a cool girl. So- "Aw man, no she's not a slut, but she did get a bit wild between time with you and time with Andrew, you know" and "Laura? No way, she's not the kind to cheat" followed by "In highschool she was a pretty normal girl you know, nothing wild or anything (this is actually true... she told him she was crazy in highschool which I found amusing. Travis drawing a penis on her paper caused her to freak out..good times)". He asked me if I ever hooked up with her hahaha at which point I paused in a moment of hesitation. Would it be a good thing or a bad thing to tell her boyfriend what transpired between Laura and myself...and Kristin, on that fateful night? Haha probably a bad thing, I was about to spin out some marvelous lie when he said "oh wait, no I'm thinking of someone else, nevermind". No Marc, you are thinking of me more than you probably know man.

Just to clear things up, it was at some point last year, I forget when. I had recently purchased a bottle of delicious 99 berries
Which would perhaps be seen as proof that some higher power wants me to get some easy action (Need we bring up the events which lead to my picture being taken as seen on top of page?). Well I invited Laura over, a long time infatuation of mine. I'm not sure what to call these girls, they are girls that I like hanging out with, but would also like to be banging. It's hard to say that you "like" so and so, because it carries the connotation that you think she's the one for you. And also that she is very NOT one of many many girls. So that term just doesn't work for me. I'll call her a fuckable friend. Yeah, I think that carries everything I feel towards her. ANYWAY, I invited her over along with Blond Christine (Who the hell thinks to name their unique and special child a name shared by every 5 girl in the United States. Show you care, skip the middleman, and name your child 'nothing-special') to have a few drinks and take a bus to college ave and party. Well drinks lead to drinks, which quickly becomes girls lead to dykes. and Dyke out they did, I joined in from time to time as well. We go out, hooking up all along the way, at the party, and back. Hey- we were young! And everyone's a slut sometimes I suppose (better than a slut all the time). We get back, and in a rare moment in Teddy history, I get these two girls to give me head at the same time. Now, I'm not one to toot by own horn but ahh... fuck it I'm still not going to do it hahaha. Me celebrating getting action from that situation is like me celebrating sleeping in Gallaro's or Justin's bed when they wasn't around. It was easy. Not that I didn't like it, because I did very much. Laura, as a Fuckable Friend, had been a good looking girl I had my eyes on for some time now haha. Christine, on the other hand... well lets just not go there, right?

Marc/Mark left the computer lab with a quick "Oh yeah- please don't tell her we had this conversation man, this never happened, OK?" as well as an invite to his Fraternities Mardi Gras Party this saturday. Ahh so he's in a Fraternity now, huh? I guess Laura told him even less than I originally thought, which leaves us at a crosswalk between "She knows me" and "jack shit". Well Marc/Mark from PKA (Pike), I'll keep this a secret from her, but not from my journal... it was such a weird experience, you know? He was not at all who I had thought him to be. I had seen her with some kid last year who I assumed to be the guy, but whatever. Kaitlin and someone else had been telling me about this guy, about how he is a complete scum bag and an asshole, and I won't lie. He does look like one. The kind you invite to a party and find out later he raped a girl upstairs. On your parents bed. Yeah.

Enough of this.

Speaking of raping girls upstairs (ka-ching!) we are having a party tonight, thursday, and our big mardi gras blow out on Saturday. Plus games with potential rushes on friday. It's going to be a busy week man, a very busy week. For tonight, I hope it's not very crowded, I didn't tell a whole lot of people about it or anything. So hopefully there won't be as many Teddy name-droppers at the door. I don't know how I did it, but apparently 9/10s of everyone who came to the door on Sunday/Monday knew me or heard of me in some way shape or form. It went from kids I red-shirted, to other clothier kids I met, to those who heard that I'm the guy to ask for to get in. What will suck is that later at some point (And I know it'll happen), someone will drop my name with an arrogant sounding "I know Teddy" while either A- In direct eye sight of me or B- While talking to me. It is as inevitable as the sun setting. It happened last semester, it'll happen this one, and it'll happen next one. Freshmen are very weird about some things, I notice. Must be that being-ripped-from-everyone-they-knew-or-loved thing that they got going on... Who knows.

Well tonight should be nice in any case. I can't really drink since I have an early class at 9:50 tomorrow. Whew, might as well have it on thursday if it is going to be so ridiculously early friday hahaha it's a sad thing when men have trouble waking up before 10:00. But that won't stop me from having gun (you don't need alcohol to have a good time kids!) since Erica King is coming up from home, and a bunch of other girls too. It should be a nice time... maybe even one of them will talk to me (!!!)

Yeah, I'm all done, time to eat at busch. Adios
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