Mar 01, 2006 07:58
10 F A V O R I T E S
car: not mine!
tv show: friends, csi, er, desperate houseswives, grey's anatomy
alcohol: coke n rum
movie: all the classic romance movies...dirty dancing, grease, princess bride,
color: baby blue
sport: waterskiing!
mall: the ones i have to choose from are no good
music genre: country
1 0 F A C T S
height: 5'6"
hair color: Brownish-blonde
hair length: long enough
hair style: straight
eye color: brown
shoes size: 7
style: of what?
happy w/ yourself: yes
1 0 L I F E
Hows life?: meh...some stuff is good, other stuff not so good
Whats your mood right now?: very tired, but it's getting better. the sun is out today!
What are you doing as we speak?: 'working' aka filling out surveys and avoiding all the hw i should be doing
How was your day?: ok so far, but it is only 8am
What do you want to do with your life?: i have no idea
Whats something you look forward to in the future?: graduating, getting hitched, raising some babies
What color is your life?: depends on the day. some days it's blue, some pink, some red, some black
1 0 L O V E L I F E
Have you ever been in love?: good question
Do you believe in love?: yes
Why did your last relationship fail?: he moved back home
Who was your last kiss?: Brandon
Have you ever had your heart broken?: yes
Have you ever broken someones heart?: i think so..sorry :(
Have you ever fallen for your best friend?: yes
Are you planning on getting married?: sooner than you might think :)
Are you afraid of committment?: no, just finding the time to be in a relationship is hard enough. someone forgot to mention college takes so much time
1 0 R A N D O M S
One thing sitting next to you: my purse
Funny story: one time i got stuck at the nexus of the universe.
Something you miss: i don't miss anything. i miss someones...mainly Andrew
Do you like the color purple?: it's ok
How many cds do you own?: at least 100
Longest phone conversation: 3 hours
What is your most prized posession?: My Teddy
Whos your closest relative?: sister...probably Tab
If you could go anywhere, where would it be?: to the mooon and back
pepsi or coke?: niether
cd or radio?: MP3
tommy boy or black sheep?: black sheep
saturday or sunday?: Saturday
colored or black and white?: colored
white shoes or black shoes?: white
green day or good charlotte?: neither
goth or prep?: prep
1 0 H A V E Y O U E V E R S
Have you ever been in a real fight?: nope
Have you ever been arrested?: nope
Have you ever skinny dipped?: yes
Have you ever done something you regret?: Yes
Have you ever bungee jumped?: nope
Have you ever been on a house boat?: yes
Have you ever smoked marijuana? no way
Have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker?: nope
Have you ever wanted someone so bad it hurts?: i hope not
Have you ever been out of the country?: yes