Mar 05, 2006 21:02
I don't feel so accomplished anymore. It turns out now that the Zombie story was not what Abbie wanted. She never mentioned it before when i gave her my synopsis.
Abbie: i don't really like Zobie sex, it is too out there, for even me,
Jenna: :|
Abbie: and I read a lot of funky stuff
Jenna: You were the one who wanted it. In december! U wanted sirry!zombiesex
Abbie: I wanted something similar
Jenna: I wrote that for nothing?
Abbie: i wanted like Sirius back from the dead, and maybe still dead, but you went way out there
Getting steadily more pissed off at this chick's ungratefulness and rude behaviour each time I talk to her...
Arrgh, damn download takes forever. What a way to end one of the msot enjoyable days I've had in a long time :(