Title: Ready or Not Here We Come (Sequel to The Right Way) 2/4
Author: mpeck86
Pairing: Arizona/Callie
Rating: R (to be safe)
Summary: Arizona and Callie take a little time off.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this fiction, nor do I have any rights in regards to them. All characters belong to ABC and Shonda Rhimes
A/N This part is based on actual events! My roommate and I really did do Detective Camp to get a ticket to Disney!
Unbetaed. I take full responsibility for the crappy grammar and the inability to correctly use the English language. Thoughts are in 'single quotes'.
The alarm blared from the nightstand and blue eyes popped open. Rolling over she turned it off before throwing the covers aside. She could smell breakfast as she walked into the kitchen. Callie stood up from putting something in the oven and smiled.
“Breakfast should be ready in 45 minutes. Coffees ready.” She wiped her hands on a dish towel and leaned over the counter for a good morning kiss.
“45 minutes you say?” Arizona asked moving towards the bathroom.
“Give or take. Just make sure and leave me some hot water!” Callie replied with a chuckle, taking a long drink of her coffee. No sooner had she swallowed did a golden head edge around the corner.
“I make no promises, so if you’re worried about water…” she let the invitation hang as she retreated back to the bathroom. Callie smiled and set down her cup before turning the oven temperature down.
“You coming?” Arizona asked and the water turned on.
“Almost” Callie said to herself while she slipped her robe off and opened the bathroom door.
Arizona wasn’t sure whether it was the blast of cold water or the harsh knock on the door that startled her more. She felt for the handle and turned the water off and looked up at the ceiling. Callie’s breathing was harsh against her throat and she smiled as their entwined hands slid down the shower door. Brown eyes connected with blue and the knock on the door was forgotten.
“Cal I know you and roller girl are in there!” Christina shouted from outside the door and Callie couldn’t help but laugh.
“If you know were in here then why the hell are you knocking on the door?” Callie asked kissing Arizona softly.
“I smell burning! You left something in the oven” Came Christina’s harsh reply.
“Breakfast!” They said together before laughing.
“Just get out here and fix it. I’m hungry” Christina said before storming off.
With one final kiss they stepped out of the shower and slipped on their robes before going out to inspect the damage to breakfast. Most of the breakfast casserole was salvageable and the trio ate in silence until Arizona set her plate in the sink and walked into the bedroom.
“Your on your own for dinner. I think we’re going to stop and eat after the camp” Callie said rinsing off the plates.
“Camp?” Christina asked drinking her coffee.
“We’re volunteering at the children’s museum. You get a free ticket to Disney if you do. So we’re going to go down and visit my family and get away for a while” Callie washed the dishes and put away the leftovers.
“What kind of camp?” She asked. There was a mumble in reply.
“One more time Cal, I didn’t quite catch that”
“Detective camp” Callie said as she swiftly exited the kitchen. Her bedroom door shut just as the bark of laughter erupted from the kitchen.
Callie knew it was going to be a long day. She knew it was going to be a long day the moment Arizona emerged from the bedroom dressed and ready to go. She was wearing her favorite jeans, Callie’s favorite jeans. Callie reached out as Arizona brushed by her.
“We don’t have time, Cal” Arizona said with a smile.
“We could make time. I promise to make it worth it” Callie said tugging on Arizona’s belt.
“I have no doubt you would; but…”
“Detective camp” she said with a sigh.
“Detective camp.” Arizona agreed. With one last kiss they headed out the door, Christina still laughing in the kitchen.
The building was brightly colored and full of life. Arizona’s eyes lit up when they opened the front doors and entered the museum. They were greeted at the door by Cindy the volunteer coordinator. Cindy told them to walk around and get acquainted with the museum before the kids started arriving.
Arizona’s eyes were filled with wonder as they walked around the 3rd floor. There was a section with a lunar module and an airport all scaled down in size for kids. There were buttons and flashing lights. Each area had costumes so that the kids could fully submerge themselves into their make believe. The 2nd floor had a tiny town. There was a pizzeria, bank, fire station, grocery store, post office, and even a doctors office.
Callie smiled as Arizona pulled her into all the different areas and made her climb in all the vehicles. She didn’t even try to squelch the mini fantasy her mind had started to create. She could see them in a few short years chasing their own children around, pretending they were fire fighters and bankers. Watching their eyes in wonder as they completed the simulation of the lunar landing. They would share laughter and learning, they would create a life of happiness: together. She had no desire to stop this fantasy and every desire to see it come to fruition.
Kids started to pour into the museum and were grouped together on the front rug.
“Alright kids! I want you to meet…” Cindy said gesturing to women.
“Callie” she gave a wave.
“Arizona” She smiled brightly.
“They will be helping us solve our mysteries today and learn how to be detectives! How does that sound?” There was a chorus of agreement from the 18 children sitting in the circle.
“Ok then, we will have 20 minutes of free play time, then we’ll begin. We’re staying on the 2nd floor for now. When you hear the bell I want you all to meet back here on the rug. Okay?” Again there was a chorus of agreement as the kids scattered. Cindy smiled and approached her helpers.
“Ok, So your job is pretty simple. Wander around and make sure they don’t get into trouble and are safe. We’ll start off with a video from Bill Nye and then practice their observation skills. Break for lunch. 20 minutes of playtime. Then a few forensics stations and splitting into small groups to solve the big mystery. Questions?” Cindy asked with a smile.
“None that I can think of” Callie said glancing at her watch.
“Nope, I think we’ve got it covered” Arizona said with a smile.
“Awesome. I’m going to go check on lunch. Theres about 15 minutes left of playtime, enjoy” She said over her shoulder. There was a brief pause before Arizona was pulled away by several kids to go play in the grocery store. Callie laughed and headed off towards the pizzeria. A little boy wearing red converse high tops, a tench coat, and a fedora walked up to Callie and stared up at her.
“My name is Cole.” She looked around quickly before kneeling down.
“Hi Cole, I’m Callie” She held out her hand and he shook it.
“Are you a detective?” He asked continuing to stare her down.
“Sort of. I’m a doctor. I solve medical mysteries”
“I guess that works” He said turning and walking away. He stopped and looked back to her, “Aren’t you coming?” He asked with his hands on his hips. She smiled and stood up.
“I sure am!” She followed after Cole.
Arizona had been using the mock studio to do a news report with several of the kids when she saw Callie pass by with a group of young detectives. She craned her head and watched them enter the police station. Callie was laughing and trying on the police hat. The kids were hanging on her every word. It was at moments like these that Arizona knew that she was going to spend the rest of her life with Calliope Torres.
To the world she was Dr. Torres, badass ortho surgeon; but, with Arizona she could just be Callie, fun loving and playful. With Arizona she relaxed and lived life and Arizona wanted to always be the one to bring out this side of her. She wanted to see Callie teach their children how to ride a bike or help them study for a test. She wanted a life. Her thoughts were interrupted by the bell sounding that playtime was over.
As Bill Nye the science guy was showing the junior detectives how to approach a crime scene, dust for fingerprints, and collect evidence Callie was trying to solve a mystery of her own. For the life of her she couldn’t figure how in the world she ended up here.
Billy Nye said an important part of solving a mystery was gathering evidence. She couldn’t help but think back to the last few years. When she transferred to Seattle Grace she was hoping to progress in her field without distraction. She lived in the basement to get first pick on cases and spent every waking moment in the skills lab so that she had the confidence that when an ortho case came in, she would be the resident called. She had been completely surprised by her feelings for George. He wasn’t the kind of man she had been attracted to before. She was strong and confident at first, she pursued him. She had made all the first moves and it seemed to work, he was onboard. Then out of no where, Izzie Stevens. She couldn’t believe he would choose Izzie Stevens or her...Izzie freaking Stevens. That was a mystery she would never be able to solve; but, why George. She was still working those details out. Looking back she could really see what it was about George that she had loved. Sure he was a nice guy, smart and capable; however these things didn’t make her heart race.
The thought dawned on her. ‘He was safe’. Blinking slowly she played the thought out in her head. ‘George O’Mailey was a safe bet’ She almost laughed at the reality of the statement. If she had just spent more time with George or paid closer attention she would have realized that the only safe thing to bet on when it came to George was his loyalty to Stevens and at times, Grey.
A wave of accomplishment rushed over Callie. She felt that in that moment she truly had closure on the George O’Mailey part of her life.
Her attention was briefly caught by Ella, who was shifting from the floor to Arizona’s lap. Callie smiled to herself looking at the little girl. She was 6 years old and if she hadn’t known any better she would have thought she belonged to Arizona. Ella’s golden hair fell in the cutest curls around her face and made her eyes shone like sapphires. The minute the lights had gone down she had plastered herself to Arizona’s side taking hold of her hand. Arizona of course had smiled told her she had nothing to be scared of that she would keep her safe. Ella’s tiny body seemed to melt into Arizona’s as the movie continued on.
‘One day’ She thought to herself continuing to openly stare. Somewhere in the background Bill Nye was chattering on about a chain of events and Callie’s mind seemed to be following along. Stopping her train of thought she looked around the room. Never mind the fact that she was at Detective Camp, what exactly brought her to this moment? What exactly had led her to Arizona? ‘That’s an easy one’ She thought, ‘Erica’. She mulled over her thoughts. ‘No, that’s not it.’ She was shocked that after everything Erica wasn’t the answer. Sure Erica had opened her eyes to the possibility of dating women; but, if she was truly being honest with herself, having sex with Mark was just as good. If not better at times, than with Erica.
She needed more evidence. Obviously Erica had turned her in the direction she was going in; but, what got her here, exactly? She didn’t often think about the in-between time. That time that came after Erica but before Arizona.
‘What did come in-between’ She thought to herself trying desperately to put the pieces together.
“Sadie” The name slipped out in a whisper and Arizona looked over. Realizing she had spoken aloud Callie shook her head mouthing that it was nothing and continued on with her thoughts.
Sadie had come in-between. The intern had been attractive and dangerous. At that particular juncture in Callie’s life she had sworn off sex with men and women and low and behold a hot intern seemed to want to challenge her. She never even entertained the idea of a relationship with the woman she just felt this desire to try something.
Sadie was everything George and Erica could never be, in all the wrong ways. Looking back at the whole thing, Callie realized it never could have worked. George had made her dark and twisty, Erica had left her dark and twisty, and Sadie would have only helped her become more dark and twisty. Yet here she was at Detective camp, effectively not dark and twisty. How did this happen?
Looking back at Ella’s tiny body curled in Arizona’s arms, the answer was crystal clear.
“I’m not them” Arizona’s words rang in her head. Arizona was not only the reason she was at Detective camp; but, also the reason she could even be at detective camp. She had been dark and twisty...she had felt lost and alone. Then without warning she was seeing leaves. She was seeing an entire forrest in Joe’s bathroom. Like someone had turned on a light she was done feeling sorry and sad.
Callie stopped and retraced her findings.
‘Work led me to George. George led me to Erica. Erica led me to Sadie, sort of. Erica more-so led me to Arizona and Arizona brought me here’ When she thought of it that way it felt more like a math equation then her life.
With another quick look at Arizona she decided, that she didn’t care how she had gotten here, she was just happy to be here.
The rest of the day seemed to fly by for Callie and Arizona. They had, had lunch with the kids and helped them with their forensic skills. This had been a challenge: getting 18 kids to work through several activities in different locations proved to be a challenge. Callie was covered in ink from the fingerprinting station while Arizona had black dust all over her from the next station which allowed the kids to dust for the prints they now knew they had. One decoder ring and several secret messages later they were eagerly awaiting the big mystery!
The kids were pumped. After splitting up into 3 groups each group was allowed to read their case file. As it turns out someone had thrown a party after hours in the museum and had left quite a mess. It was the junior detectives’ job to piece the clues together to find the culprit.
“I bet my group finishes first” Arizona said with a smile and a bump of the hip.
“Not a chance Robbins. Cole is on my team and he’s an ace detective!” Callie said grinning. Arizona leaned in quickly, “Let’s make this more interesting. If I win, I get to pick where we eat dinner. If you win, you get to pick” Arizona pulled back looking for a response.
“You’re on.”
Half an hour later Arizona’s team shuffled into the workroom holding all of their evidence. They sat at the table and pieced together the clues. No sooner had they come up with their answer had Callie’s group come in. Smiling in victory Arizona sauntered her way to where Callie was sitting and leaned down to speak quietly in her ear.
“Looks like I win again” Came Arizona’s smug voice.
“Are you sure about that?” Callie asked tilting her head so she could look up to her girlfriend.
“My group is already finished. You’re should get to work on putting it all together” Arizona glanced at the case folder on the table. The kids were chatting keeping themselves entertained paying not attention to their clues.
“I hate to break it to you Robbins; but, we finished 10 minutes ago. We took a bathroom break after we figured out it was Billy who had the birthday party and forgot to clean up.” Callie said her voice equally smug. Arizona’s eyes were wide. She looked up to the marker board and sure enough next to “Team Callie” there was a check mark noting their completion of the game.
“So I guess the only mystery left for me to solve is where I’m going to eat out” came Callie’s husky voice into Arizona’s ear. Arizona knew that tone of voice, she loved that tone of voice. Suddenly she wanted Detective camp to be over, now. As luck would have it, camp was in fact over. Parents began to file in to pick up their junior detectives and hear all about the great mysteries of the museum. When it came time for Ella to go home she hugged Arizona goodbye tightly. Cole had pulled Callie aside and spoke to her in a very serious voice.
“If you have any mysteries at the hospital that need solving. Call me.” He held out a piece of paper with several numbers and letters on it that in no way displayed a phone number. Callie smiled brightly and shook his hand.
“Will do, Detective Cole. Thanks for all your help today, we couldn’t have done it without you!” He smiled and walked to his waiting father who took his hand before leading him out.
Callie could barely keep her hands to herself as they walked back to the car. The roar of the engine and the sound of Arizona breathing thundered in her ears. With her hand firmly planted on Arizona’s thigh she expertly maneuvered the car through the city until she found her desired destination.
“You’re apartment?” Came Arizona’s confused voice. She continued, “You had your pick of anywhere in Seattle and we’re at the apartment?” Callie didn’t even bother responding she simply connected their lips. After a few heated moments she remembered her plan and pulled away. Pressing her lips to Arizona’s ear she spoke softly.
“You said it was my choice. So I choose to call and order a large margarita pizza that we can enjoy after we put our detective skills to use” Closing her eyes tightly Arizona shivered.
“Oh really?” came Arizona’s strangled voice.
“Defiantly. I spent most of the day solving how I, the badass ortho surgeon, ended up at Detective Camp.” The elevator doors opened.
“What did you come up with?” Arizona asked pushing the button for their floor.
“Well I took a lot of things into account; but, I think what it all boils down to is this” She pulled Arizona flush against her body and kissed her, “also, these certainly help” Arizona wasn’t sure exactly when they had exited the elevator or when Callie had unbuckled her belt; but, she was perfectly fine with both turn of events.
“So, let me see if I understand” Arizona said grasping the bottom of her shirt. “You went to Detective Camp today because, I, your girlfriend, am hot” with that the shirt was on the floor. When Callie reached out for her she took a step back. “Does that sound about right detective Torres?” Callie’s eyes followed the belt as it slid from the loops to the floor.
“Not hot...really hot” Callie took one long stride and wrapped her arms around her. Arizona smiled settling into her embrace.
“So you would do anything for me simply because I’m hot?” She asked as she kissed Callie’s neck. Callie chuckled to herself and began walking them to the bedroom.
“No, I would do anything for you because I love you. Your hotness just makes it easier” Callie purred as she gently pushed Arizona towards the bed. When her knees hit the edge of the bed Arizona’s eyes widened in surprise. She had felt the change in control when they had left the elevator and she was under the impression that she had it. Now looking up at her still fully clothed girlfriend she realized she had been wrong. With Callie’s predatory smile raining down on her she knew she was about to be shown just how wrong she had been and she was going to enjoy every minute of it.