TO: Student body
FROM: Parker
RE: Teal Dear's Name the Van Contest!
Teal Dear has a new
van. And in the tradition of all great rock bands,
it needs a name. That's where you come in.
Name the Van, and the winner gets four free tickets to the band's concert in Baltimore this Friday, backstage passes, and a ride in the Van to the concert! Plus T-shirts, drinks, and other memorabilia.
The band will announce the winner tomorrow night. Unlimited entries possible.
So send in your votes for the Van's Name, and win a road trip to Baltimore!
[ooc: comment away. Comments screened 'til tomorrow night, then opened up for the entertainment value and voting on by the band. Your character and any three friends can ride in the Van to Baltimore on Friday, or trade in the tickets for free entrance at Caritas, or the next concert in December in Wheeling, West Virginia.]