Here if you want some spoilers of how the shows ended or just general opinion on how the shows did this year...
Vampire Diary did well (though there was a lag at some point) and the ending does make me look forwards September.
Grey's Anatomy wasn't as good this season because of Hunt and Cristina story. I like Cristina (kind of grows on you after 8 seasons) but Hunt... not at all. I just don't like him at all. I have to say i didn't like him from the start so... And since there were a few episodes really centered on that couple it just wasted a lot of good time i could have enjoy watching other's stories, like Lexie or Meredith or Alex (how he grown up, so proud of him^^) but i liked the few last episodes when each decided where they wanted to go if only the last episode didn't kill one of my favorite... read spoiler alert.
Gossip Girl was not that terrible this year, read below.
Bilan: not the best year for most of the shows, will have to see if they'll do better next season.
Vampire Diary
Vampire Diary finale brought his lot of deaths and cliffhangers as usual.
Sad that Alaric is finally dead, loved his goodbye to Jeremy...
Elena finally made her choice (that i do not approve though) just before having a car accident with Matt, falling in the same river her parents and her fell into before the first season because of Rebekah.
I found it poetic the way we can see the first accident and this one simultaneous and in the first one we can see the father asking Stephan to save his daughter and in the second accident we can see Elena asking Stephan to save Matt. Prove that both daughter and father are the same, always thinking of others before themselves. It was really cruel though to have Damon fighting Alaric/Klaus far from Elena so that when she died, he wasn't there for her.
And Alaric managed to kill Klaus before dying making everyone worries because Klaus is supposedly the one founding the family that Damon, Stephan, etc belongs to and that with him dead so does everyone of his family.
Tyler and Caroline goodbye was really sad, when Tyler thinks he'll die because Klaus is said dead and ask Caroline if she feels ok and when she responds yes he is just happy that she wont die too not thinking about himself... So Tyler dies because Klaus is dead or so everyone thinks but we can see Tyler possessed by Klaus at the ending thanks to Bonnie who seems to be heading towards the dark side of magic.
What will happen in next season? Now with Elena resurrected as a vampire she'll have to make a choice between die as a human or drink human blood and complete the transition (though i think she wont be allowed to choose with two vampires at her side who certainly wont let her die again), Tyler/Klaus that still lives, Bonnie and her magic and add to that new enemies that are said to come..
Elena dead at the end of the season
Grey's Anatomy
I can't believe the ending of the season 8, how can such an important character die and so out of the blue? I really loved Lexie, she was definitely one of those i liked the most in the show... Yeah this season wasn't really the best for her character but she had such a personality, you just had to love her. And her relationship with Mark... I really can't believe she's dead! I was sooo not expecting this.
They say that she wanted to leave the show, that she wanted to spend more time with her family. If that's the case, yeah it's understandable and family matters most than a role in a TV show but... even knowing that it's just to sad to know that you'll never see Lexipedia anymore. I feel that her ending was not well done, that She and Mark deserved at least a little good times before she died and not a few minutes before that. And that Meredith and her deserved an goodbye, a scene together. Now Meredith is the sister who left to seek for her husband and didn't manage to be there when Lexie died...
It's also rumored that Lexie isn't the only one who'll die on the show and to see who is the other one we'll have to wait till September. I have to admit that it will be hard for me to continue watching the show without Lexie especially if Mark survives and that we see him continue is life like nothing happened. If in next season he falls in love with someone else i swear that i'm stopping Grey's Anatomy.
I think it would have been better to allow him to die together with Lexie like he wanted to if Arizona wasn't there asking him to survive for Sophia, Torres and her.
Well have to wait 4 months to know what'll happen but i hope that the show will start pulling together because i have to say that this season wasn't the best of the 8...
Lexie Dead and Mark crying
them together
Gossip Girl
I'm happy that next season is the last one. Though i'm a huge fan of Blair this season was just so centered on her that it make me love her less. How they showed her so indecisive, her decisions, her relationships... Really this season wasn't that good. First thing first:
Chuck/Blair: I LOVE that couple. I'm shipping for them since the beginning, since they first started to be attracted to each other. The "bad boy", the one who couldn't love anyone falling the beautiful, scheming yet pure Blair. There was a lot of possibilities with that couple but they just kept them going back and forth making their couple a big joke.
One time is Blair fighting for Chuck, the other time is the other way around, then Blair again, then Chuck again... They keeps fighting for their couple but never in the same time making it hard to follow... If not one rejecting the other is the other doing the rejection. And so at the end of the season, after Chuck fought all during all those episodes to get Blair back it's Blair that wants to be with Chuck and Chuck that doesn't want that anymore (yeah, yeah he have his reasons AGAIN). Getting a little boring at the end...
Dan/Blair: that's a pairing i never was into. Maybe because i just don't like Dan. Why? I can't really say but he's just not that likeable. so when Blair chose Chuck (even with all i said) i was finally!! it was time!! Nothing more to say about this couple expect that Dan seems to be ending towards the revengeful path with the help of Georgina at the end of the season (i don't know why but i think that Dan being Gossip Girl would be really believable).
If we are talking about the other two of the four (always thought that only those mattered: Serena, Blair, Chuck and Nate), Nate didn't do anything particular this season, except if you were interested in his story with the Spectator (i wasn't really so...) and is left behind by Lola who decided to give her money to Charlie/Ivy so she can take down Lily... Great... Not that i didn't find the reaction Lily and Serena when they found out Ivy's lie a little bit crueler than it was supposed to be seeing thatIvy really loved that family or when she gets all the inheritance from Cece but even though i found it a little over the top i couldn't sympathize with Ivy when she acted the way she did (throwing Lily and Rufus out of their own apartment after the funeral saying it belonged to her) and i could totally related to how far Lily was willing to go to take back what was hers. Too bad Rufus wasn't as supportive and that it cause a riffle between the two of them (hated when Rufus helped Ivy behind Lily's back). Can totally see why she went back with Bart though that one will fall down next season for sure (what a son of a ***** after all Chuck did for him).
And for Serena... I just don't understand what they did to her. When GG first started she was the queen. She was so shiny and sparkling, always with a smile ( a real one). She cared about Blair, her friends and her family. And now in this season she just... did everything she isn't supposed to. She became GG, betrayed her friends for her site, and just stab Lola, her cousin in the back. And i found is so unfair that when she was herself and meet Ivy playing the role of her cousin, she was so nice to her, treating her so well because that how she is. Serena is a family girl. know ing that Ivy was her cousin (so she thought) she just was so nice to her. Then of course they learn that she isn't what she claimed to be but till then Serena was a perfect cousin. And when Lola came, the real one, they showed a ugly Serena, backstabbing everyone who didn't care about the pain she inflicted on other, included Lola. That's so unfair knowing that Serena isn't supposed to be like that. Not to mention the they really did Serena no good with her wanting to get back with Dan who's in love with Blair, her carrier that just keep going down... I mean please, Serena deserved better. And that went on the whole season... Now she off who nows where, seeing to be taking drugs, ostracized by Blair and everyone. Viva the natural queen in first season...
So like i said with this season going down the drain i'm really happy to learn that the next season will be the last. I just hope that everything will go back the way they are supposed to be, Blair with Chuck (happy bending please, not their sicky games again), Serena happy but not with Dan he just won't do anymore (but would have liked to see more of her and Nate... don't understand why they make them break up) and i sure hope that the four of them (see who i'm talking about) will mend their way and restore the link that brought them together (feels like they growing apart from each other, not Nate and Chuck though, still besties lol)
Serena on the train taking drugs
Blair telling Chuck she'll fight for him
That's the big Three that i've been watching this year, will add more ending reviews after i think of them^^