Just Me

Oct 27, 2006 00:13

I took this from shortypenguin even though I wasn't tagged. ;)

And I tagged some of you randomly just for the hell of it. So you better do it! lol. amelialourdes, awoken, bluesilverkdg, exit_to_nowhere, killthenite and last, but not least, kungxfucandy.


1) I'm already really, really excited that Christmas is coming. lol. It's my favourite time of the year and I literally act like a ten year old just thinking about it. It makes me all warm and fuzzy. I've already started my Christmas list!

2) I've been cracking my knuckles since I was in the second grade. Now my hands get sore quite often and I worry it's the early stages of arthritis.

3) I once dated the manager of the movie theatre that I worked at and a lot of the staff hated me because of it. They thought I was favoured. Two girls actually tried to get me fired. lol.

4) I have no tolerance for people who are racist, sexist or homophobic. It's so ignorant.

5) I hate cell phones, but now I own my first one. But I'm not rude or obnoxious with it.

6) I have the BIGGEST crush on Michael C. Hall right now ("Six Feet Under", "Dexter"). No joke. GUH!

So, there you have it, folks. The first six things that popped into my head. Pretty random, but seeing as that was the point of the meme, I think that worked out quite well.

I spent all of today (well, Thursday) working on two essays, one for my Shakespeare course and the other for my Murder and Other Crimes history paper. This is always one of the worst times of the year. Everything is due in November. Blah.

I think I'm going to go and watch "The Prestige" on Saturday. I know that a few of you on my FList have seen it and said it was really enjoyable. I also really want to see "The Queen". It looks really interesting.

Saturday, November 11th is fast approaching. That's the day I go and see "Wicked"! Whoo Hoo! I think I might buy the soundtrack before I go to the show, so I'll know the songs going in. I've heard a few of them but not all.

Well, that's enough meaningless randomness from me. Have a good night/good morning everyone. Happy Friday.

school, friends, the queen, meme, the prestige, wicked

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