Random Post

Oct 14, 2006 16:54

Guess what I found out? My mom bought tickets to the Friday, February 23rd performance of "The Phantom of the Opera" at the Princess of Wales theatre! It hasn't been here in Toronto since the early 1990's. I'm going with my mom and my sister and we are in row 19. I love this musical. I haven't seen it since I was a little kid, so it will be so exciting to see that chandelier rise up above the audience again.

Speaking of plays, only a few more weeks to go before I go and see "Wicked" on November 11th! YAY! This one I've never seen before so I'm definately looking forward to it. :)

In other news, I'm going to see "The Departed" tonight (finally!). Yesterday was my sister's birthday but tonight we are celebrating it with just the family, so she said she wanted to do dinner and a movie. I'm not sure where we are eating yet, but I hope it's some place really yummy because I'm already hungry. lol. I'll definately write a review for the film at some point tomorrow. I've heard nothing but fantastic things about it, so I'm sure I will love it. Plus, Marky Mark is a hottie so I can at least oogle him if for some reason I don't end up enjoying it.

As for being fired or "let go" (as my friend puts it) from the job at the restaurant, I started applying to places closer to my area. I specifically hope that I can get the hostess position at The Keg. It's a resturant similar in style to the one I used to work at, so it's not like I'll be going from a great restaurant to some dodgy pub-like place. Which is a good thing. lol.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great Saturday night full of either movies or drunken parties. Or both!

musicals, theatre, job, wicked, princess of wales, the keg, sister's birthday, plays, the departed, phantom of the opera

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