Updates and Hot People and T.V...OH MY!

Oct 13, 2006 01:23

Alright, so on Monday I got fired from my job at the restaurant. Yes, FIRED! From the job that I've been working at since June. The job which I absolutly loved doing and got great pay. Why did they fire me, you ask? Well, because I'm apparently not giving enough hours since I started school in September. In my opinion, this is not reasonable grounds in which to fire someone. I mean, back when they first hired me I made it VERY clear that once school started I could only give them a couple of days. My manager, Sam, was the one who had to break it to me and I could tell he was really upset about it. He and I got along so well.

Basically, it's the owner of the restaurant who is a complete knob who has no appreciation for what his workers do for him. I mean, since June I've seen so many people lose their jobs over stupid little things, that I've lost count. I always figured my job was safe because he really seemed to like me. I think a big part of it has to do with the fact that I'm not his biggest fan and he could probably read it on my face. That and I think he found out that I hang out with staff outside of work, which is a big no-no with him. That rule always pissed me off because it's none of his fucking business what we do outside of work together.

Anyway, I don't regret working there. Sure it left me without a job in the middle of the school year but I had a great summer there. I got to work in the middle of the city of Toronto. I met incredible customers and just really enjoyed the atmosphere. I made some incredible friendships like Brad (the one who I told you all about with the "issue" with his boyfriend), Jasmine and Priscilla in particular. I had some fantastic times there. Lot's of laughs. I'll actually really miss the place.

I re-watched the last episode of "Six Feet Under" tonight. God, it's so fantastic. That show really blows my mind. I also watched some of the extras on the final season DVD. It's great hearing the cast and crew talk about the show and some of their favourite moments throughout the series. Seriously, any of you out there who haven't given this show a chance, you don't know what you are missing!

You know who was really hot in the interviews? Michael C. Hall. lol. lea724 actually made a post about him earlier today and it put me in the mood to watch the DVD extras. A good thing too, because DAMN he is one good-looking man. It makes me really pissy that I still have yet to see "Dexter". *sigh* Yet another celebrity crush to add to my list. Pretty soon I will have too many to count.

But you know who else is hot? Brad Pitt!!!! That is all!

Today is my sister's birthday. It's hard to believe she's eighteen. All grown up. *tear*

Have a great weekend!

fired, job, michael c. hall, friends, toronto, birthday, brad pitt, six feet under

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