House and Law and Order: SVU Premieres!

Sep 25, 2007 23:03

I'm very happy to have my Tuesday t.v. back. I missed having new episodes of House and SVU to watch. I'd love to hear everyone's feedback on the premieres. I'll put my comments under the cut because they contain spoilers.

HOUSE: 4.01 "Alone"

*The episode opens with a crazy explosion. I was already hooked. One of my friends even called me at the commercial break to just say, WTF? lol.

*House/Cuddy. I loved how Cuddy patiently waited for House to stop strumming his guitar before explaining the POTW to him. I thought it was a great little moment that really showed how much Cuddy understands the type of person House is after all these years. She knows there is no sense in talking to him when he's doing a Van Halen riff.

*House and the janitor, "Dr. Buffer", equals excellence. lol.

*House/Wilson totally rocked my world. The two of them had a fantastic episode together. Wilson kidnaps House's guitar in order to motivate him to hire a new team? AWESOME. I loved the touch with the ransom notes and Wilson's impression of what a guitar would sound like while being brutally tortured (by having it's strings pulled...hard). House retaliates by kidnapping one of Wilson's cancer patients. It's moments like these (hell, it's full episodes like these) that was sorely lacking in S3.

*Speaking of Wilson: I totally fell for Robert Sean Leonard during the scene where House calls him into the hospital. His hair was all messy and he was wearing a sweater. How adorable is he? And all this time I only concentrated on Hugh Laurie. lol.

*I don't care what anyone say's but I loved, loved, loved the fact that Foreman, Chase and Cameron were MIA. I honestly don't miss them. It only left more screen time for Wilson and Cuddy and I can't complain with that. It really gave the show a fresh feel to it that I really hope continues for awhile.

*I enjoyed the scene where Wilson had to firmly tell House to get over the fact that he was hurt when the three lackeys left. I liked House's silence. Instead of his usual smartass remarks he really seemed to genuinely miss them.

*I thought the POTW was really interesting. I really liked the surprise turnaround at the very end when it turns out they had the wrong patient all along. It was really sad, yet it made the episode feel like excellence of S1.

*Overall: interesting POTW and, even better, excellent House scenes with Cuddy and Wilson. More episodes like this one would definately make up for the mediocrity of S3.


*In the first five minutes my head is spinning. Cragen is suspended and Munch becomes Sergeant? Craziness!

*I adore Cynthia Nixon (yay, Sex and the City) and I was so happy that she was the guest star for the season opener. She's such a wonderful actress. She pulled off the whole split personality performance perfectly. She created such an intriguing character.

*I like the addition of Lake. It will be interesting to see how he and Finn bond over the course of the season.

*I was hoping to hear a little more about how Finn was coping with his step-son being set free after the end of last season but I'm sure they will address it in a future episode.

*The backstory that eventually comes out about Janice and her sister, Cass, was really tragic. Even when it was revealed that Janice and Cass had planned the whole multiple personality issues to kill their abusive parents and escape punishment, I really felt for them. Although I'm not 100% sure how I felt about that final twist I still liked how the episode managed to still make me sympathetic towards Janice and Cass, despite the fact that they manipulated the system.

*Overall: It was a solid episode, especially in the acting department.

t.v. review, hugh laurie, law and order: special victims unit, house, cynthia nixon, robert sean leonard

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