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amelialourdes September 17 2007, 06:17:04 UTC
Next year, use an lj-cut please! :) I was glancing through my LJ and ran into this and quickly ran into the other direction since I was still watching them.

Did your Emmys get edited too? Or were yours actually live?


mozartfan1313 September 18 2007, 03:14:02 UTC
Oh, sorry! :( I'm usually really good at doing things like that. I hope I didn't ruin anything major for you!

I don't think my Emmy's were edited? Why, what happened with yours?


amelialourdes September 18 2007, 03:26:54 UTC
Thankfully you didn't but I accidentally went to check something on imdb and I forgot that they list all the awards given out already. Ugh, I was so mad.

Since nothing in California is live ... even though everything is FILMED here, Ray Romano's little bit with the word 'fucking' was edited. Katherine Heigl swearing after she won was edited. Sally Field saying 'goddamn' was edited. It was lame.


mozartfan1313 September 18 2007, 03:54:48 UTC
No, none of that was edited here. It's not like it was a big deal. Katherine Heigl saying shit definately doesn't warrant censorship. I didn't realize you got and edited version.


amelialourdes September 18 2007, 03:41:41 UTC
I guess this answers my question: Fox Censors Emmys; Canada Does Not.


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