The 59th Annual Emmy Awards

Sep 16, 2007 23:17

Just some random thoughts about the show:

*First of all, this must be said. Shame on the Emmy people for not giving a single nomination to the phenomenal HBO series, Rome. The fact that the show itself and all of the wonderful actors were ignored is just beyond my understading. Apparently, the Emmy's are very similar to the Oscars. They wouldn't know a fantastic piece of work if it hit them on the head. This season's best drama? Rome: Season Two. End of story.

*How is Ryan Seacrest famous? He's useless, irritating and not the least bit funny. Here's hoping this is the last high profile show he hosts.

*I loved seeing Rainn Wilson get up on stage to rap against Kanye West. Just for that moment, the Emmy's get one Schrute buck.

*Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert giving Steve Carell the award that should have gone to an MIA Ricky Gervais? AWESOME!

*Brad Garrett's compliments to his co-star, Joely Fischer, resulted in a great line directed at Charlie Sheen. While noticing Fischer's clevage, Garrett say's, "You are now on Charlie Sheen's 'to do' list." Best line of the show, and Sheen's reaction (anger trying to hide under a smile) was priceless.

*Even though I don't watch Brothers and Sisters I would have been pleasantly surprised if Rachel Griffiths had won. Yes, I'm biased because of Six Feet Under, but deal with it! lol.

*No Mariska Hargitay? She had such a fantastic year, but she won last year, so that didn't make it too hard of a blow. She makes Law and Order: SVU the wonderful show that it is.

*Hugh Laurie didn't get any Emmy love (again) but I have no doubt that his time will come in the near future. He has a Golden Globe and a SAG Award, his moment will come.

*Nothing for House, either, but season three was mediocre so I wasn't completely devastated. I liked that Hugh Laurie and Lisa Edelstein were sitting together. If only Robert Sean Leonard had been sandwiched in too, I would have been a very happy girl.

*Not much love happening for The Office, unfortunately. But again, they have plenty of time to win Emmy's. Although, I think Rainn Wilson needs one ASAP.

*Congratulations to Jeremy Piven, for his second Emmy in a row for Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy. He seriously is one of the main reasons to watch one of my favourite guilty pleasures, Entourage. Although, I'd secretly been hoping Kevin Dillon would win for Entourage this year.

*An even bigger congrats to The Sopranos for winning Best Drama Series. I haven't seen the recent season yet, but it's one of my favourite shows and I have no doubt that the final year was just as top-notch as the previous ones. It was a nice send-off for one of televisions greatest shows.

hbo, hugh laurie, mariska hargitay, house, rome, emmy's, rainn wilson, robert sean leonard, jeremy piven, steve carell, rachel griffiths, the office, kevin dillon, the sopranos

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