Sep 15, 2007 13:55

The Toronto International Film Festival comes to a close tonight. It's the first time I haven't gone to watch any films or gawk at celebrities in five years. I'm so glad it's over tonight because I hate not being down there, enjoying all the movie brilliance. I didn't bother with tickets this year because I was in Scotland when they went on sale and by the time I got back, nothing was left. I didn't have the heart to do the Rush lines this year. I was too tired of standing and walking from my trip. I couldn't even watch the interviews on t.v., I was so jealous I wasn't there. haha.

But next year, OH NEXT YEAR BABY, I'm watching movies (and going to red carpets to see celebs) hardcore! lol. Here's hoping for a great line-up of films, actors and directors next year. I'm a media whore!

P.S. Since I'm on the topic of Hollywood...the Emmy's are tomorrow night! :)

P.S.S. I got season three of The Office on DVD yesterday. Time to play catch-up before season four starts!

tiff, the office, celebrities, emmy's, toronto international film festival, movies

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