FF008: A numbers game.

Nov 16, 2007 06:55

Friday Five 008: A numbers game.

"Sevens marry sevens, nines marry nines, fours marry fours. Maybe there’s some wiggle room if there’s enough money or if somebody got pregnant. But you’ve got at least three points on your husband and your frock says he didn’t do it for the money and your breasts say you haven’t had any kids." (House, Season 2 Episode 24)
  1. What number are you?
    Different factors affect the number. The typical modest answer (and probably a general average) is a 6-7...a six lately. If my hair's lookin' fresh and my face is properly covered with makeup ... a definite 7, maybe a 7.5.

  2. Do you have a five-year plan?
    Uh, no. And I think my next academic career is a way to create one.

  3. Is your life numbered? Meaning, did you plan to be married by 25, kids by 30, etc etc. ?
    No. And no. I don't plan for anything that I don't have to.

  4. Do you surround yourself with the same number?
    I think so. I definitely consider all my closest gal-pals (on both coasts) to be the same, if not higher, number than myself.

  5. And to close with the same quote as numero uno, and this is complete conjecture, significant other-wise, above, below or the same number as yourself?
    I would hope the same because I know how odd it looks to see a seven with a three. And to be completely honest, I don't think I could nab a number higher. Lower? Sure. I mean, hello? It's really a numbers game out there people!


friday five

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