A little something for y'all

May 08, 2009 22:09


Hey guys, I'm still around. I haven't been online much lately. At first, my laptop was having a little problems that I had to order a part. My brother fixed it, so much kudos to him.

As far as my health goes, I was just out of the hosp. Apparently, I had a doctor's appt. and at the office the doc noticed I didn't look well. He proceeded to do a quick routine vitals, it was abnormal (what a surprise *eye rolls*). He ordered an EKG (abnormal). He immediately put me in the hospital (his office is in the office building that is adjacent to the main hospital itself. I was there for 7 days (no biggie... imo anyway). They found several abnormalities that required a specialist through investigation. (I ended up with a referral to yet another specialist-- yay, more doctors to add to my team *eye roll*) The doc indicated that my Hgb and Hct were extremely low. Not critical immediate transfusion level, yet. It's 8.9, looks like it'll be very soon.

I did have an infection that was required rapid treatment via IV (had Vanc. and this new one that's stronger than that) and discharged with 2 weeks worth of Xyvox *yay, not*.

So, I had the appt. with Dr. Oscar F. and he took blood and ordered CT scan with contrast. The CT had to be okayed by my insurance, so I did labs and went home. This was last week. They called 2 days later stating it's abnormal and booked me the appt. for the CT scan. Due to mom's schedule, it's going to be on the 18th of this month.

Well, that's the health news for now.

Oh, my doctor (dr. carruthers) apparently wanted me to have 2 different portable machine (?? i don't understand why, mine works perfectly).
So, with my Zevex Enteralite Infinity (the one in the picture 2 entries down)... I got me a brand new Kangaroo Joey!
So, yeh, 2 portable and 1 standard (COMPAT) is what I currently hold.on my pole. Yeh, it's a lot, I know. I only use 1 at a time. Day to day I vary my usage. I'll either use Zevex or Joey during the day, and at night use the Compat. So, it's all good.

Other than those ED/Health related news, in my personal life...

I've been working on getting the house in order for my family, you know the usual take care of the house chores. I haven't really contributed in a long while due to being ill and weak. Now, I decided "screw ill and weak shit" I'll pull my strength out of nowhere and just go. So, I did.
It's the same theory where the emaciated anorexic is running on treadmills and we're going "how the fuck is she doing that at that weight?"
So, yeh, who knows where I'm getting the energy. Sure I get nauseated, that's where medicine works. I get dizzy, I sit down a minute or two and then get moving again.
Cool huh?
I hope so. It's making my grandmother happy and my mother happier for I make her job a little easier. It makes me feel good that I'm contributing again. I hate having to lie to my mom, but I'm sure a little embellishment is ok. I mean, she constantly asking if I'm okay and if I need to lie down.
I'm not OK, really. But, I tell her I'm doing fine and I won't over-extend myself. So, I lied about being fine, and told the truth about not over-extending myself. So, a little embellishment there.

Anyway, for mother's day for both my grandma and my mom... they have 2 'gifts' from me. One is personal, and one is a 'real' gift. The personal one was my contribution to the house (personal), the other one which they haven't received their gift yet. I'm going to take them both out to eat at a nice restaurant and take them shopping ($50 dollar limit each) that way they can get what they want, not some lame one they won't use or something.

Well, I'm all talked out. This is the most I've written in a long, long time. Hope it was a bit entertaining, at least.
later gator

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