* Happy birthday,
wickedwords! Take some time today to do something completely happy and non-necessary for yourself today.
Eureka apparently not getting those last six episodes. I commend them for at least changing their minds in time for the writers to come up with a way to wrap it up with the last set next year, and I have a hard time being that upset with it only having six seasons in total, but sheesh. I think when SciFi changed its name, it should have been to WishyWashy (or perhaps WyshyWashy, since they like the unnecessary 'y's so much).
Uh, wow. I mean, I was thinking something bad was going to happen--it's the season finale and we saw Keller for that brief "let me be threatening for just a moment" scene, but I wasn't expecting that. I honestly thought they might end up shooting Peter and leaving him bleeding somewhere until next season.
El! (Really interesting way of shooting that and the whole disjointedness of it from Peter's POV. Shock is like that.)
I love that Neal made his choice, but he didn't necessarily make it in time. Even if El ends up okay (which I'm sure she will--this is not that kind of show where she might not), his relationship with Peter just took a hit. He might not directly blame Neal directly, but El would not have been kidnapped except that Peter brought Neal into their lives, into their home. Peter is going to blame himself, too, for doing that, but he's going to blame Neal, as well.
Poor Mozzie: he finds out Neal chose Peter over him, chose that life over their dreams, and he's going to be a mess when he finds out something happened to El.
Let's see, next episodes are in January, right?
* A friend of mine was telling me about this:
GeekGirlCon, which will be in October in Seattle. I don't know if I'll make it, but I admit to being intrigued.
* Rec of the Day:
Continental Drift--Harvey and Mike are in a relationship. They just don't know it yet. Nice characterization, snark, sex, and over 12,000 words. Not bad for so early in the fandom.
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