Video of Jason Moma talking about making Conan. He looks great, but I must admit, I miss the beard.
Empire has updated their horribly Photoshopped movie poster gallery. If you've never seen it, it's worth a look, and you'll want to follow some of their links off of there. (Most horrifying to me:
You Can Count on Me. What...WHAT?! Someone got paid for that? It's like a bad fan photomanip.)
* Recs of the Day:
Let the Rain Kiss You--The rain just won't stop.
The Eagle:
The Days Beyond--Movieverse story which follows the relationship from Esca's POV throughout the movie and beyond.
* Book Rec of the Day:
Heather Gladney's
Teot's War and
Bloodstorm--I'm putting these together, even though they stand pretty well separately. These two are my regular re-reads: I go back and read them again every year or two, because they make me so happy.
The stories are about Naga Teot, a man whose people were once a great civilization, but are now conquered and scattered, many as refugees in the land of Tan. The first book opens as Naga comes to declare his loyalty to Caladrunan, the Lord of Tan, and goes through his difficult adjustment to this new country and her people, even as he becomes the bodyguard and court musician for Caladrunan. More than anything, though, it's about the intensense relationship between Caladrunan and Naga that's the heart of these books and the reason I always come back for more.
(Fair warning, only the first two books were ever published, and the second does end on a cliffhanger. Come, share my pain.)
* Photo of the Day:
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