
Nov 29, 2013 09:39

There are many things I feel thankful for: my friends, my family, my housemates, cats, fandoms, having a job that I like, where I live, books, technology, hockey, and so on and on.


Mostly, today, I am irritated because my Kindle Fire is dying before my eyes. Yesterday it decided that it would not acknowledge any USB/charger connected to it, so no charging. I've tried all 3 Kindle cords on various outlets, I've tried just connecting it to the computer to see if it asknowledges that at least, I've tried hard reboot of it: nada. I also tried cleaning the contacts with alcohol and a Q-tip, but no go.

Yes, Amazon is awesome about replacing things, no questions asked, but it's over six months past its two-year warranty. *sigh* Did not need one more piece of tech crapping out on me.

ETA: And just got off tech support chat with Amazon, confirming: A) there's nothing else they can do about it, and B) poor Hawkeye is out of warranty.

I did find this video on how to fix it, but as I and soldering irons have a mutual agreement not to bug each other....

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