* I keep poking at an essay I might post someday about why I like hockey, since everyone who has found out in the last year I've gotten into has looked as if I told them I like to be nibbled at by weevils. A lot of the reasons I like hockey are the same reasons I like baseball, honestly, and this is actually going to be about baseball.
feochadn was the person who first made me notice Max Scherzer of the Detroit Tigers, and there's little about him that's not impressive. He's a great pitcher (
he's 20 wins, 3 losses on the season, which is the best pitching record in MLB this season), but more in this age of the assholes in the sport getting much of the press, he's a truly class act.
I'm about as far from being a Yankees fan as it is possible to be, but
this video made me tear up, I must admit. It's the last moments of a true class act and great player in baseball playing in his last game. Mariano Rivera is now officially retired. The game is poorer for him being out of it.
* In non-sport news,
NBC announce they are planning a Constantine TV series. I have mixed feelings on this, it is true: I've been hurt before, you know. Actually, I agree with most of what is said in the article, including that HBO would seem a better place for what is a very dark and violent (and very not family-friendly) character. On the other hand, after what they did with Hannibal and the dark complexities there, I'm willing to give NBC a little wiggle room.
Just don't make him American/dark-haired/non-smoking/non-blasphemous/Good Guy/with a teenage sidekick. There's where you start.
* I have hopes, especially if Agents of SHIELD does as well as I think it will, Marvel especially will be doing more with its catalog vis a vis TV. For instance, I think, if they can't fit it into their admittedly packed movie calendar at this point,
Iron Fist and/or Luke Cage would be EXCELLENT choices. They've talked about them both off-and-on for several years getting bounced around in development, but I'll take TV, really!
Also, since apparently the studios have decided there's just NO WAY people will go to see a female superhero movie (not realizing that putting hot chicks in tight/revealing clothing and not giving them things like a good script/direction is not enough to actually make a movie), how about TV? Wonder Woman, you would think, would be a given, but okay, don't do WW since apparently you CAN'T. What about Captain Marvel? Emma Frost? Mirage? Dazzler? Destiny? Scarlet Witch? (Yes, my Marvel bias is showing.)
Avengers: Age of Ultron teaser from NYCC. Honestly, it's one of those things which has ABSOLUTELY NO INFORMATION (I don't think they're finished writing the script just yet, forget about filming), and yet, if you're a comic geek, is still kind of cool. Or maybe not, but I'm still excited.
* I either missed or forgot that
Alexander Skarsgard was going to play Tarzan. I approve of this.
Martin Freeman will spend his free five minutes starring in Fargo TV series now. Okay, granted, most of his current commitments are either wrapping up (mostly) or short-runs (as is this, since it will be an FX series), but still: no moss on him.
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