Feb 08, 2012 19:22
So today has been...I honestly don't even know how to describe today. I woke up to a text from my best friend saying that her grandmother (who I loved dearly) passed away this morning. Yes, she'd been sick, but it was still a shock due to how sudden it was. I appreciate all of you who have sent prayers and kind words for me and her family. I love you all for that.
When I came home from the family's house (I had spent the evening w/my friend doing what she needed) I received a call from school saying I made it to the interview stage of the graduate program I applied for.
So I honestly don't know how I am feeling or anything...I'm almost numb at this point. I'm happy for my interview but sad over everything else. It's just been crazy...
I'm mainly posting this to give you guys an update on what is going on and why there may not be a fic posted this week. Sometimes writing helps and sometimes I just feel like reading. I'm just kind of playing it by ear and trying to figure out what to make of the day.
Thank you all again!
real life