We open up to an image of good old Dalton, having done the smart thing and included the Lapin’s into the nations army. If Wapol ever gets tired of his filthy rich new life in favor of ruling over an inhospitable kingdom in the middle of goshdarn nowhere, I’m sure bunny gorillas armed with spiked clubs will be enough deterrent.
As can be expected, Surume’s side-switching is not seen with kind eyes. As they withdraw Chopper, finally giving in to the bloodrage I always knew was lurking beneath his fluffy exterior orders the tank to charge ahead! Though he does not say it I can tell that in his heart, there is no place for survivors! Only the crows shall be left as witnesses to his legacy- endless fields of carrion!
Fortunately for the fishmen pirates, Daruma has other plans. Using his mighty teeth to chow down on the ground beneath them (where he stores all that dirt, I shan’t speculate about), and the tank sinks into a newly created pitfall.! Daring the others to attack him, Franky’s bold response to Darumas challenge-
… is to be Franky in their general direction. But perhaps he is not as dumb as we think. For as we are soon made aware of, there is more to the tank and bike-combo…
THAN MEETS THE EYE! Apparently Wapo-Metal, that alloy king Wapol invented is the final key to Franky fulfilling one of Vegapunk’s old dreams- a walking, transforming, sword-slicing cannon-shooting giant robot! And the crowd goes wild!
Except of course, Nami and Robin. Pshaw. Women and their menopause and their vaginas and their cold, heartless disdain for anything fun, amirite? Of course I am, no need to question or debate this. We don’t have the time for it anyway, as one of the pirates go after Nami with the intentions of culling the weaker members first, only to learn that when you mess with the lightning-
You reap the whirlwind. Or, in Usopp’s case-
The razor-sharp bamboo shoots growing out of nowhere. Usopp is over-joyed at the efficiency of his new gear, whereupon the assembled fishmen spectators start feeling a little bit awkward at how… fray-happy the Strawhats seem to be. But since they’re useless their opinions matter absolutely none what so ever. Daruma decides that since digging holes in the ground worked last time he’ll try that again. Bu the finds stiff competition in the form of someone else who can use their appendages to shovel large amounts of dirt. Who, you ask?
WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK HE IS- CHOPPER THE DIGGER! Having trained his body to become more and more malleable, Chopper is now capable of transforming into all forms but, one supposes, his mega-monster form without the Rumble Ball…
AND he’s leveled up his trash-talking to boot! Hody loses his shit more and more for each passing second and decides to blackmail the kraken with the lives of his fellow brethren, essentially saying he’ll kill Surume’s family in front of Luffy. Luffy doesn’t respond well to threats against someone’s family. Dogan’s and Icaros attempt to beat Luffy’s unflinching power walk get their asses one-shotted by Zoro and Sanji, while Luffy-
Is only too happy to introduce his sandal and hardened leg to Hody’s face. But just as it seems things are going swell, we cut to the escaped princes and king witnessing Noah on the horizon. The king proceeds to get REAL scared- but not because they’re about to be crushed. But because apparently, Noah must not be harmed until the day to use it comes…
Cover image goes to doctorine Kureha, who since she’s awesome in every way has established a new hospital and team of doctors under the flag of…
… Oh God. Chopper flashback flashback. I think I have something in my heart now.
Despite Hody’s best efforts to come back, it seems nothing he does can affect Luffy. He punches his head back and summons iron shields to defend himself, but Luffy just uses the ”Armament Haki” to turn his forehead black and smashes the shields to rubble. Hody tries to put his all into power and roundhouse kicks Luffy, but Luffy then turns his arm black and hurts Hody’s leg just by blocking his kick. Not even Hody’s water shots affect our brave Strawhat, as he simply uses the Haki of Observation to Neo-dodge every single shot and punch Hody through ANOTHER wall. Hody’s gonna need a miracle to win the battle-
Or just a highly irate stalker Fishman. Noah is here, and it’s gonna crush EVERYONE.
Robin, of course, have the best comments. For some reason that I suppose won’t be clear until later on, Wadatsumi falls from the ship and begs to be let on board, but Decken, armed with a loudspeaker and without a care who hears him, declares that Noah’s targeting Shirahoshi and won’t stop until she’s demolished! What will happen next? Is all hope lost?!
Not as long as the heart, no matter how frail it might be, still holds a spark of courage.
As Vander Decken gets his rocks of throwing daggers that I have no idea HOW they can even harm someone Shirahoshis size, Hody ascends the chains dangling from the behemoth ship and Luffy wastes no time in going after them, Jinbe lending him a bubble-making coral and Sanji preparing to use his mighty legs to launch his captain sky-high…
We open up with oh man KOZA. AND HIS DAD. AND THAT KID. Koza has apparently become the environmental minister now, meaning that we’re probably gonna see Vivi and Pell and Chaka and Neferti and maybe the Baroque works people soon! Oh man so exciting!
Shirahoshi is desperately on the run… swim… trying to get out into the ocean where she won’t endanger the city, as explained through some helpful exposition-citizens and picture charts. Mostly citizens. They kind of refuse to shut up throughout the chapter and are somewhat annoying. But to save them nonetheless, Shirahoshi has a plan…
Sanji launches Luffy straight up into the bubble, not quite out in the water but not quite inside it either. There he becomes the spectator of a scene most ghastly…
For as the citizens of Shabondy try to be USEFUL for a change, their attempt to steal the show enrages Hody to the point where he shoots them all down for… no adequately explained reason! My belli's on roid-rage, since that seems to be his M.O ever since doping up. We then see Shirahoshis plan-
To use the corridor which the escaping Strawhats left open to slip out and away from the city! As the Noah changes course, Luffy is pulled out of the bubble completely but uses the coral to create a new one just in time for…
… Us to remember that fishmen are FAST underwater. And while Hody close in on Luffy, Vander Decken loses his temper again and sends a whole volley of knives to perforate Shirahoshi! The battle seems all but lost, but this is NOT the day we find out what it sounds like when doves cry. Take off your raspberry beret and park that little red Corvette, we’re not about to move away from your aunt and uncle in Bel Air any time soon-
BECAUSE THE REAL FRESH PRINCES JUST ARRIVED. That’s right- the royals have arrived to DO something about the situation, saving Luffy and their sister! They also repeat that Noah must not come to harm and decide to have Shirahoshi swim up to the surface, where there’s nothing that can strike the ship or cause it harm. But try as they might Hody is still strong enough to outswim Luffy and Fukaboshi and beats them to the ship, where he proceeds to ask Vander Decken a very pointed question…
But we will have to wait for another week to find out the answer. Poop.