The Preserve, Thursday Evening

Aug 02, 2007 20:09

After passing what he could have sworn was the same damn tree about three times and being just about ready to give up on this date sparring match, Deadpool finally came across the small clearing he had picked out for tonight.

Because it was a good size for fighting. Not because it was very private or anything.

"Here we are!"

"You know we passed this spot twice already?" Arashi smirked and looked around the clearing as he put down his bag of goodies. "Why did we have to come so far out for a sparring match?"

"Did not and I'll thank you not to imply otherwise," Deadpool said with a pout. "Don't make me turn this car right back around!"

"Because I said so."

He was in a parenting mood. It was Max's fault.

Arashi raised an eyebrow at that and looked at Wade coolly. "Fine then," he shrugged and quietly began to dig into his bags for his things. "Any rules for this?"

Arashi? Not really in the parenting mood at the moment; he was more curious as to what the hell Wade was up to.

A cool look that Deadpool just grinned back at. If this was a date, he'd be damned if he was letting Arashi know it.

"I'd say no drawing blood, but I just don't fight like that with people who can handle it."

That earned a smirk. "So you want me as scared up as you are?" Arashi asked, pulling out a thick stack of exploding tags and some kunai that were blunted. "How about we at least try not to draw blood?"

Wade sighed and started setting aside a large pile of guns and explosives. "You couldn't pull it off. I'm all manly and rugged and tough, scars work for me."

Oh yes, he expected to get hit for implying Arashi wasn't manly.

"…I'm manly, just because my neck isn't as thick as my waist doesn't mean I'm not manly," he grumped and glanced over at the guns. "You know… if those have blanks or paint in them you could actually use them against me."

As sad as that was; though this wasn't the first time that Arashi wished that he had medical training.

"My neck is not that thick!" Wade protested, tossing yet more guns aside. "Nah, only real bullets for me. I'll just go for my Escrima sticks instead."

"…What are those?"

Wade grinned and pulled two sticks from a pair of thigh holsters. They looked as if they may have been left over from when someone cut a Bo staff in half and strengthened the wood.

"The least leathal weapons I carry!"

As long as he wasn't, you know, fighting people who couldn't hit back.

"You want some of these?" Arashi grinned as he waved his hand full of kunai at him. Not that he wasn't impressed by the Escrima sticks, Arashi had lots of bruises and welts from things like those in the past.

"Nope!" Wade hopped from one foot to the other, getting ready to fight. "I like these babies better. And I know better than to touch opponents' weapons."

"Why do you think I jinxed them?" Arashi grinned as he stretched to get limber for the fight after putting all his weapons away.

"Of course not!" Wade grinned and darted forward, not letting Arashi finish his warm ups. "I just know better than to play with another guy's knives," He said, both stick aimed for the ninja's head.

Arashi jumped back, barely missing the stick as he felt it brush through his hair. He somersaulted backwards, pulling out a kunai in preparation for his own attack, throwing it towards Wade's hands.

Wade stepped back, as the kunai hit, damn near breaking a finger as he held onto the stick. "Hey now! No need to get testy!"

Putting both sticks in his injured hand, he checked over the bones quickly, setting anything so he could keep going. Hands were a bitch to injure.

"I was just playing!"

"I'm not testy! I totally thought you would dodge that!" Arashi smiled back honestly, pausing in his movements to make sure that Wade was all right. "Did I really get you that bad?"

Wade rolled his eyes and dashed forward again, one stick aimed for Arashi's chest and the other for his knee. "Always am! See, we can thank Wolvie for that. And maybe Steve since he was the first one before those fun little retcons to prove how racist Canada is."

Okay, so Arashi didn't understand most of that, but that wasn't all that unusual when Wade mentioned something about his past or where he came from. He managed to block the strike to the chest, but the one to the knee hit him hard and the blond fell in a heap, plastering a low level exploding tag on Wade as he did.

Which Wade immediately tried to grab. "I hate these things!"

Arashi smirked and limped away to knock his kneecap back in place. "Yeah, I know. It's why they're effective."

Waving away the smoke from the small explosion, Wade looked at the hole in his costume it had made.

"Of course, you know. This means war."

"Oh does it? Maybe it's all part of my master plan for you to get your clothes off," Arashi teased not really meaning any of that as he used his chakra to give him a boost as he jumped into the trees with his one good leg.

Arashi didn't recover quite as quickly as Wade did.

Something that would really worry Wade if he knew that he'd actually injured Arashi and not just stunned him.

"You saucy minx! I should have known this was all an elaborate plan to take advantage of my fragile virginity out in the woods. How could you?" Wade called after him, climbing up into a nearby tree to follow him.


Arashi was panting heavily as he rested, hidden against the large trunk. "It's no more than you would do to me my friend!" He called back with a smile as he moved to fix his knee. It wasn't Wade's fault, Arashi had turned his leg to miss the hit, but it just ended up hitting at an ever worse angle when he did.

It was like playing Marco Polo. Wade jumped to the next tree over, closer to Arashi.

"Are you accusing me of dragging you out here in some bizarre attempt to get you on a date without letting you know I thought it was a date because I wanted to celebrate you being home? I am offended by that! I would never drag you anywhere!"

Pause. (Crap.)


"Of course this isn't a date! There's no food!" Arashi agreed, grunting slightly as he moved to fix his knee. Where what Tsunade when you needed her? Arashi didn't move from the tree he was hiding at. His leg just wouldn't let him yet. It kind of sucked too, Arashi was really looking forward to a good sparring session. He and Wade hadn't had one for quite a while. He just needed to pop the kneecap back and all would be good right?


If not... There was a damn fine clinic in town?

"Damn straight!" Wade said, jumping to the next tree over. And he just couldn't not say it now....

Arashi looked up confused as he was wrapping his knee tightly. "Who the hell is Marco?"

Landing on another branch of the tree Arashi was in, Wade gave him a big grin. "The correct answer is 'Polo!' You poor deprived ninja."

Arashi rolled his eyes and smirked. "Polo," he said distractedly and finished wrapping his leg, shakily standing up to see how much weight he could put on it. "Sorry, that stick just hit me wrong and I think I popped out my kneecap," he explained.

Well now he had to go and make Wade worry.

He narrowed his eyes at the bandaged knee, climbing over to his branch to check it out. "Can you walk?"

"Probably," Arashi said with a shrug as he moved to stand. Why was it you can still fight with cuts all over and gaping holes in you, but the moment you pop a bone out it's all over? You'd really think that the others would hurt more. "Provided I managed to knock it back into place."

He stood, so far so good, but could he walk? One tiny tentative step forward told him, yes…. Yes he could, but it would hurt like fucking hell and it showed. "Yeah… I can walk," Arashi grimaced. See, he was a tough guy.

Because... Yeah, Deadpool didn't know other. Something about the pain tolerance changing with dislocations.

"And I think it's snack time!" He held out an arm for Arashi to support himself with for the jump down.

Arashi paused and smirked glancing at Wade a moment before letting the Merc help him down. "You brought food? You know what that means right?"

"You tell Aly and I'm leaving you in this tree," Wade replied, wrapping an arm around Arashi's waist and jumping with him. "She'll get all 'I told you so' and we just can't have that!"

"My lips are sealed," Arashi smirked, grimacing only slightly as they landed. "Never a medical ninja around when you need them," he said offhandedly. "We don't want Aly being all 'I told you so' it gets annoying after a while."

"I know! Next thing you know, she'll be trying to say she knew all along. Tricksy spy."

Adjusting his grip, Wade tugged him in the direction of the weapons pile and the food that he may very well have hidden in a nearby tree, but only because sparring was hungry work.

And he liked sandwiches.

"We can stop by the clinic on the way home to get it checked over."

"Nah, I don't need the clinic. As much as this pains me to say it, it'll be taken care of a lot faster if we find Kabuto," he said limping along.

"But he's creepy! Like, Creed with a box full of puppies creepy!" Wade replied, waving his hand about in the air to illustrate the evil that was Victor Creed.

"Who's Creed?"

Wade frowned. This whole explaining his random comments thing was weird.

"Someone from back home. He'd probably eat the puppies," He replied.

"Ew, Kabuto I don't think would eat the puppies… though he might feed them to something." Arashi shifted. "Nah, it's better if I go to him. He could fix this instantly instead of it taking a while to heal on it's own."

"Still creepy McCreepy ninja," Wade replied with a nod. Ah! The clearing. With a small squeeze around Arashi's waist, he pulled away. "I'll go find the food. Hopefully no raccoons or squirrels have gotten to it."

"Right, I shall stay here and not fall over," Arashi saluted with a grin, shifting his weight to the good leg.

Off in the distance Wade could be seen scampering up into a tree to retrieve a basket of food for the date sparring match.

And then, that would be him falling out of said tree after an angry squirrel ran at him for getting too close to their nest. "I'm fine!" He shouted, hopping back up and heading over to Arashi again, muttering about squirrels all the while.

"Did he steal all your nuts?" Yes, he was in pain but he could still make a joke.

Wade glared. "No food for you!"

Arashi pouted, looking at Wade with big wibbly eyes. "But I'm hurt! I don't know what I'm saying!"

"Oh sure, use the old 'delirious with pain' excuse," Wade replied, plopping down on the ground next to Arashi and opening the basket of food. "Ooo! I don't remember packing fried chicken!"

"You don't? I don't know if I'd trust it then," Arashi pointed out as he grabbed for some fruit and a bottle of water.

"Well I'm pretty sure it isn't poisoned." Wade sniffed it and then took a bite. "Yup! not poisoned!"

Arashi smirked and pit into his apple. "Good, unless it's just that your healing ability works on poison too."

Wade paused, examining the chicken closely. "It does, actually..."

"You have fun with that chicken then," Arashi grinned. "I'll stick with my apple, but we might want to get back to find Kabuto. I'm not going to be able to do much with a dislocated knee."

"But since this is a date..."

(Oh, what the hell.)

He tossed the chicken aside and lunged at Arashi for a kiss.

Arashi swallowed his apple quickly and moved so he wouldn't jar his leg and kissed Wade back deeply.

For Wade, this? Quite possibly the best part of being married.

Not that he was actually married or anything.

Shut up.

Wade grinned into the kiss, running his hands through Arashi's hair. And yes, the urge to spike it up so his power level would be over a million was still strong.

Arashi continued to kiss Wade deeply, running his hands and nails down the merc's back. He liked this… he really did. Just the two of them, it seriously didn't matter if they were really married or not.

[[OOC: Pre-played via e-mail with the wonderful konoha_flash, not for interaction.]]

poisoned chicken is surprisingly nummy, sparring, arashi, not a freaking date, the preserve, oooo! kissy!

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