It's grey out, and kind of cold and rainy. There's something to be said for sitting indoors with homemade spaghetti sauce (the spaghetti isn't homemade... yet), tea, and bright yellow curtains. The cats are all asleep or lounging about, and my new table is gleaming in the dining room (I just gave it a good polish). The Beatles are on in the background.
This morning I got up early and made breakfast for me and BorderCrossing. She was pleasantly surprised to get up and find hot chocolate and steaming sour cream biscuits awaiting. As much as all my relationships (or most of them) have been highly broken, she appears to have never had a relationship with someone who wanted to take care of her, so I'm having fun feeding her and offering a nice place to crash. I also made bacon and coffee for myself, since she doesn't like either of those things.
I've been good about keeping on top of the dishes, too, for the most part.
toughlovemuse was telling me the other day that "a new broom sweeps clean," but I hope it's not just enthusiasm about the new place that is prompting me to be a better housekeeper. Having people over regularly, having my girlfriend over, and generally being in a better headspace ought to count for something, right? I just hope I can keep this up.
The best thing about nesting is having people with whom to share the nest. :)
Today is a good day. There is still sadness, but that can't prevent me from appreciating what I do have, and I think that's important.