toughlovemuse introduced me to video games last night. She showed me a game called, I think, "Dragon Quest," and let me play it for a while. I think she was a little amused by many of my reactions.
1- Let me start out by saying that it was a great deal of fun to play. I am glad I don't own a gaming console or a computer powerful enough to play games, because you'd never see me again.
2- The game went counter to most of my upbringing.
toughlovemuse kept telling me to run places, and it made me twitch, because, well, running indoors is bad. So I kept trying to walk places, except that walking is more unwieldy than running thanks to the gaming console.
3- Apparently being a hero in this game entitles you to rummage through other people's stuff and break their things if necessary. You are encouraged to go into people's houses and public places, and just go through their stuff and take whatever you want.
toughlovemuse laughed very hard at me when I cringed and didn't want to do that. After all, the game NPCs are very understanding about the fact that you're the hero and can do whatever you want.
4- NPCs have extraordinarily short attention spans in this game. Mind you, since I've only played a few hours of WoW apart from this (I refuse to count the one time I tried playing Resident Evil and couldn't get my character to do anything except walk into a wall and get eaten by a zombie), I have no idea how much I should expect out of any given NPC anyway.
In conclusion, though, it was fun, and I'm looking forward to trying to get to the end of the story at some point. Or at the very least get to the end of my current quest. I've already died twice, once because I hit the wrong button. :P
Okay, now I'm *really* going to get breakfast, and then I have to get some writing done. I have 45,000 words to get written, or thereabouts, in the next two weeks. Wish me luck!