Very quick post before I pass out

Jun 15, 2021 22:52

Why do I feel simultaneously super busy and like I'm getting nothing done? *sigh*

Anyway, I did get some stuff done today aside from my regular work day, although not as much as I hoped I would. I will try to do better tomorrow. I'll put what I did get done behind the cut, with some minor alterations to the list, for my own edification.

  • Take out paper recycling
  • Ping KK to see if I can just dump my garbage/plastic recycling in the bins at her place instead of waiting until next week for pick-up
  • Bring garbage/plastic recycling to KK's
  • Bring KK's new a/c unit upstairs for installation
  • Clear the two big delivery boxes from the entrance
  • Clear the rest of the stuff from the entrance
  • Sweep and mop the basement floor
  • Put together wire shelving unit
  • Move boxes from garage to basement
  • Do another clothing triage of the stuff that's been living in the laundry room
  • Catch up on remaining laundry
  • Install new a/c unit in living room
  • Install new a/c in KK's room
  • Bring over KK's plants
  • Set up the mini greenhouse (KK may be doing that
  • Clear off dining room table
  • Move dining room table into living room (probably on Friday)
  • Move coffee table to basement
  • Move CD racks (and CDs) to my bedroom
  • Move dog crate to my bedroom
  • Clear out remaining items from KK's room and vacuum the carpet
  • Tidy the kitchen and do a small de-clutter to clear some space
  • Gather remaining items for donation and bring to Value Village (probably also Friday)

And that's it for me for now. Catch you on the flip side, friends!

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to-do, phnee complains too much, phnee is actually pretty boring, productive!phnee

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