Happy Pride Month!

Jun 01, 2021 20:11

I have no idea what Pride month is going to look like while the pandemic is still ongoing here, but it's important to mark it anyway, I think. Of course, I've spent all my life in Quebec and Ontario where we have Pride Week in August (don't ask why, I don't know), so who knows what any of it will look like. Last year, of course, we were all solidly locked down, but this year if the vaccination rates are high enough there's a non-zero chance that there might be some outdoor events. I will keep an eye out, anyway.

It feels super weird to me that I've been out as long as I have, even though compared to some it hasn't really been all that long. I officially came out when I was 24, and that was 18 years ago. Wild.

In dog news, I think Peggy will be sleeping in her crate tonight so that I can recover a bit. Last night did not go nearly as well as Sunday, because she hadn't zoomed around all day with Shadow. As a result she had a ton of energy and kept bouncing around the room and getting into things, and even when she sort of settled down on the bed she spent a good portion of the night kicking me, getting up and trampling me, jumping off and on the bed, and generally being the opposite of a good sleep buddy. She also had an accident on the upstairs carpet, which she didn't the night before. So clearly the secret sauce is to make damned sure she's good and tired before she's allowed to sleep in the same bed as me. I might be able to get her to sleep tonight, maybe, since she spent all day at daycare, but I am not 100% sure of it and I am very tired after not getting a restful night of sleep. Tomorrow she's going to train with Santo, so if she comes back tired enough we might try it again at that point. We shall see.

I was going to write about something else, I am pretty sure, but I don't remember what it was. Oh well. If it comes back to me I will post about it tomorrow. Good night, friends!

This entry was originally posted at https://mousme.dreamwidth.org/1490774.html, where there are currently
comments. Feel free to comment wherever you'd like!

dog, life stuff, sleep, queer

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