My cat story for the day:

Jul 02, 2002 14:27

This weekend, boB got to wondering about the gender of a cat that has been
eating at our house for months and now never leaves the yard. So he picked
the cat up under its front arms and held it for me while I did a manual
exploration. I pronounced it female as there were absolutely no bumps in
the general vacinity.

boB said that he didn't want to become a "Dad" again, so we made an
apppointment for this morning and took it to the vet to be fixed.

Hee hee. HE was already fixed! So $120.00 later, HE has had his shots.
Again. I know that no vet will alter or treat an animal that has not been

Oh well.

The funny thing about this cat - he's a short hair orange stripe - his voice
is like a rubber squeeky toy. Hence, "Mr. Squeek".

Ah well. Its only money.
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