K, rant time

Aug 01, 2010 13:55

This situation sucks. If you already know the situation, or don't want to hear me bitch, stop reading now.

So basically here's the status of things. I'm getting to the end of the summer and having limited success finding jobs. I've gotten 1 great interview and 1 for-reals job offer so far. I had to reject the job offer because it could not provide me with hours for my LCSW license, which is the highest license in WI. I COULD have taken this job, but decided that for my career's sake the best route to take is to get my LCSW asap. So I rejected the job.

So I continue to look for jobs. I've been getting happier as time goes on, because every day that passes gets me closer to moving to Milwaukee, and thus being near Mandy (if you didn't know she's there and I'm in the UP working a crappy job living at home - k, moving on).

Living situation
The only thing is, despite the fact that I have plenty of family in the Milwaukee area, it doesn't seem like any of them is really interested in having me stay with them. Mandy's parents have refused to do so because Ray (her step-dad) is OCD and it causes problems enough having Mandy there. My sister can't take me in, she says, because she's got a 1 room apartment and I've got myself and 2 cats, and she doesn't think it'd be a great living situation. She's willing to put me up for a week. Yeah, thanks a lot sis, love you too.

This leaves Mandy's grandma, who we believe is willing to take me in. But living with her in the past has been difficult as well because she's ALSO OCD (though not to the extent of Ray). She is also, however, old. She likes having company and such. So if I'm gone most of the day and don't cook at her place and keep the room very clean, I think we might have a reasonable situation. BUT we can't have the cats there....so there's another headache.

So her parents can't take the cats because they've got one COMPLETELY psycho cat that they refuse to put down that attacks people when other cats are in distress. Like this cat REALLY attacked Mandy's mom and seriously hurt her. But they won't put it down despite the fact that this cat is CLEARLY dangerous. And annoying. But whatever, that removes that possibility.

Then there's my mom. I'm not sure she's willing to watch the cats with us being several hours away.

Then there's my sis, who I don't think is going to do it either.


So I think we're going to have to get a month-to-month apartment. Yes, this means we'll have to move MORE THAN ONCE to get to where we want to be. We'll have to live in some crappy cheap month-to-month place before we can FINALLY move into a townhouse with a yard. We've already moved twice this year.

Mandy's been really great about moving stuff up from St. Louis by the van-load. I was supposed to go down to St. Louis this weekend with her to visit her dad and get another load, but that's screwed because my boss lost my time-off request....conveniently since everybody ELSE wanted this weekend off so now not only am I working but I'm on-call. Anyway, I luckily got the next 4 days off after that. But, of course there's a problem with me taking the van now because Ray's having his period and won't let Mandy USE the van...even though they have plenty of vehicles to get around WITHOUT the van. So now I can go down and visit Mandy but I can't go to St. Louis to get a load of stuff because Ray's being a fucking child. SIGH Well at least I get to visit with Mandy for a few days uninterrupted, even though they're days she works. At least I can see her for a while.

And true to form, when it rains it pours. Work has been getting a little psycho lately. It was going well for a while but now all of a sudden we're doing room searches, urine-screens, and we've got people stealing from each other and people being suspected of using drugs while in treatment. We also had one client run over another elderly client with a bike and injure him - which may turn into a law-suit. This is all happening while our director is out of town on a wedding and DOES NOT want to be bothered for like, anything. So I'm at the point where I just don't care anymore.


So this is my situation, in a nut-shell. There's stuff I'm leaving out of course, but basically I'm just REALLY aggravated by everything. Everything that could go wrong, has. Also, people are being stingy and unhelpful - even family who I would bend over BACKWARDS to help. But I frankly just don't care anymore. We can get by on our own. We'll get a month-to-month lease and live in some crappy place for a while until I have a job and then move AGAIN and do everything we can to avoid speaking to these people ever again. We will get by on our own, and they can all go to hell.
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