Title: Eight Times a Week [Tory/Colin]
Fandom: Off*Beat
Rating/Warnings: PG for successful library stalking.
Summary: Tory is supposed to wake Colin up, not take his creepy notes.
AN: Mousapelli's Birthday Theme 21: There's a 78% chance that he'll sleep through physics on Monday.
Eight Times a Week [Tory/Colin, PG] )
Comments 16
I loved this line:
"You do look rather flushed," Mrs. Keplar peers at him closer, and Tory tries to look as diseased as possible."
And I loved this line:
He finds he can only write 'tuna fish' with a question mark before the pen dangles limp between his fingers
I loved, loved, loved this. I loved that Colin asked Tory to wake him up in time for class. I love that Tory handed Mandy the notes he was taking without even looking at them (I'll bet there was something in them about Colin!). I love that Tory's heart just won't stop pounding, so he thinks he needs Ritalin. I love the sticky X button on the game controller. Yay for tuna fish!
Okay, I'm stopping now. *bow* Thanks so much for writing and posting this.
But there needs to be so much Off*Beat fic. Mmm yes. And Tory is so much dork love. "Mom, I need to be medicated because every time I see...uh...I feel...my heart...and...wow, nevermind." "Tory, do you have a girlfriend?" "NO. OH GOD NO."
I don't even have an icon yet! *shame*
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I'm glad you liked it!
(I don't understand the last line, but... maybe my mind is okay with that. XD;;; )
(the last line is about Tory hiding his erection with his notebook :D) I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I think I got the cats thing because of Jen's new submissions to DA. Though... it's in the first volume, too...
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