Title: Eight Times a Week [Tory/Colin]
Fandom: Off*Beat
Rating/Warnings: PG for successful library stalking.
Summary: Tory is supposed to wake Colin up, not take his creepy notes.
AN: Mousapelli's Birthday Theme 21: There's a 78% chance that he'll sleep through physics on Monday.
Eight Times a Week [Tory/Colin, PG] )
But oh my God, truly Oh. My. God. That had to be one of the most beautiful stories I've ever seen of these two!! I'm like... wow! 0w0
And yes I understand what you mean about not wanting to write until much more of the storyline and character come into play. I'm a canon Nazi as it is... and only having one volume and limited knowledge of these lovable two, it's nearly impossible to fly off the handle and just start writing! ...Sometimes the plot bunnies attack me anyway, but... that's what spurs this! *motions to fanfic*
Anyway, back to the swooning. Oh my goodness, truly a work of art here! Look at it! The description in it was just cheeky, thick with imagery but at the same time edged with humor. Wonderful! And the character is outstandingly done with great respect. I think you did Miss Jen a fabulous justice here today! This was absolutely outrageously good.
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
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