Dec 31, 2004 15:41
Ok... here are the best quotes of the year from my three-year-old class:
"Sometimes at night I get really scared and then I yell for my mom REALLY loud!"
(Me) "What does Santa Claus do with our stockings, does anyone know?"
(In response) "Ummm...p-put 'em on his feet!" -Ashley
"Look Ms. Courtney! I'm all SPRINKLY now!" -Kaitlyn, wearing Marti Gras beads
(Me) "Jo, do you know what sound a reindeer makes?"
(In response) "Umm.... Moo-raf." -Jo
(Me) "Mira, how come you're coughing so much? Are you sick?"
(In response) "I have a frog in my throat... a PINK frog so big it reaches down to my
legs!" -Mira
"When we get outside, can we get a drink from... umm... the foder wountain?"
(Mrs. Julee) "Joshua, when we pray, who are we praying to? Who do we talk to when we
"Ummm.... Ms. Courtney?" -Joshua
"Mommy, look! Look at the bracelet on her teeth!" -Jo, in response to my retainer
"She's got her...umm.. MAJAMAS on." -Lauren, meaning "pajamas"
(Me) "Jo, what's your favorite kind of candy?"
(In response) "Umm... LOTS of candy." -Jo
"Ms. Courtney, I got burgers in my eyes!" -Luke, meaning "goobers"
"Hello, Ms. Jackie? um, could you keep the kids tonight, 'cause they have the sniffles."
-Jo, playing house (yes, she's three years old)
These are just a few of the DAILY hilarious things they regale me with. Seriously, just TRY to tell me I don't have the best job in the world. lol have a good New Year's, everybody