Dec 15, 2004 11:19
True to tradition (and by tradition I mean once before) it is time to wrap up the semester. This semester was, on a whole, not as good as last semester. Sad, sad day. But it still had it's high and VERY VERY low points.Alright... here we go. In the beginning... was the coffeemaker. Thank you to teh coffee maker for takign so blasted long to make me a cup of coffee, therefore makign me late getting into the shower, and therefore making me late to my first class very close to EVERY DAY. (That's right, I blame you). Thank you to Tim and other factors for keeping me up late so that I seldom got enough sleep. Thank you to, yet again, the building 9 bathroom, which still smells awful. Thanks to my first teacher for never making that big of a deal about me beign late to every class except for 3, and for being at 8:00 in the freaking morning, making it oh so tempting to skip. Thank you for writing off 9 absences due to my job, and thank you for not failing me on that paper due to my personality type. (First time my personality's gotten me out of anything!) Thank you to The Gay Hot Couple, who entertained me for a very short time but sadly dropped the class, and thank you to the hot kid who is obsessed with Bob Marley. Overall, to my 8:00 class, thank you for failing, because I still have no idea what I want to do. Moving on... Thank you Tim for being late almost every day, making me late to Chemistry almost every class.Thank you to Chemistry, that horrid subject that for some reason we need to comprehend, though we (and by we I mean I) can take my whole life and STILL NEVER COMPREHEND. Although... Big thanks to Ian and Tim, who made that class a blast despite the awful su bject manner; Thank you Ian for my daily hugs and Tim for being the worst lab partner in the world, other than of course, me. Thank you to Professor Gambino, who tried her hardest and surprisingly didn't fail at makign me understand science. Thank you for that blessed 10 minute break in the middle of the class, my only reprive for 2 hours 2 days a week. Thank you WITHDRAWN for being a two hour class, and, by nature, horrendous. BUT, OVERALL TO CHEMISTRY, thank you for only benig on Mondays and Wednesdays, because the best part of the Chemistry of Everyday Life was not having it on Fridays. Thank you Ian and Tim for entertaining me in the student union until MY Tim got out. I had a total blast with you guys- you were my Dave and Levi for this semester. Thank you to the Student Union bathroom for, for hte most part, being clean every day.Thank you to Tim, who walked me to Economics everyday and pissed the teacher off by kissing me in front of him every afternoon, and of course making me slightly late to every class. Thank you to my Economics teacher, for being a great guy but a crappy teacher and of course, for making comments about Tim kissing me in front of him to basically the entire class. Thank you to the United States and worldwide economies, for being so entirely hard to understand. Thank you to the tests for being impossible to get above a "C" on, and thank you to the Mike Barber look alike who was utterly amused by T and I. Thank you to the EXTREMELY hot kid, just for being hot each class. And of course, thank you Trevor, for cracking me up every class, making me lose focus, and therefore get a glare from the only teacher who's every truly hated me in my entire life; it was worth it, man- good times, great oldies. Thanks again, T, for eating lunch with me everyday. in that aspect, thank you to fast food for making me.. umm... a bit thicker aroudn the middle but for also for being so readily available. (That includes Marlyssa's, Subway, Rick's Sub Place,Sonic, Taco Bell, and wherever else on the list of 30.) Thanks be to you, T, for making school days not suck as much. Thank you to the building 18 bathroom, for being clean and not smelling bad. Thank you to Contemporary Literature, for existing in general, and for being the only class I refused to skip. Thank you to Professor Cole, who came in most classes looking high as a bird. (Perhaps it's a constant state.) Thank you to.. geez... let's see... To the hilarious kid, for cracking me up every class, andto his girlfriend, who was his polar opposite, but not in a bad way. Thank you to the kid with long hair, who, combined with the hilarious kid, dressed up as Indians and gave a presentation as female indians on a reservation (complete with the horse head on a stick, which also made sound effects!!) which was possibly the funniest class I've ever attended. Thank you to Jen, for being adorable. Thank you to The two girls whose names I can't remember, one for being anal andthe other for being hilarious. You both deserve the credit that you're due, but your names escape my mind currently, so sorry 'bout your luck. Thanks to Edward and Bobby, for being adorable and hilarious, and for staring me down every class. Thanks to Scott, who was unafraid to give his opinion and who I could never quite tell was gay or straight. Thank you to homegirl with the red hair, who was just plain irritating. But, SCHOOLING her in the irritating catagory, thanks be to Ed, who was possibly the most aggrivating, annoying man I've ever encountered, who always gave his opinion, regardless of whether it had any base of facts to back it up, who made everyone's eyes widen in irritation when that pen went up in the air to give his point, and who was, in general, an idiot. Thanks, of course, to Brandon, whose work I did the entire semester, but who entertained me in class and who gave me someone to sit with so I didn't look like a pitiful reject. Thanks man, for being "consistent." Thanks to Lit in general, for by far being my favorite class. Thanks to everything listed, plus somemore; thanks be to Hannah Leigh, who I seldom saw but when I did, made my whole day. And of course, thanks to Tim, my boy, who made most days easier and better just by walking me to class and being, OCCASIONALLY, pretty dang freaking sweet. Thanks to my truck for continuing to suck gas to and from MCC, and thanks to MCC for being so far from my house. Overall, this semester had good points and bad points. It was a good semester, THANK GOODNESS my last semester of high school (As of today, I dont' have that irritating title hanging over me). OH!!! Thanks to Brian Peacock, for owning such a gorgeous piece of machinery as his GIANT F150. (Lol, couldn't leave that one out!) And this brings this semester to an end. Another 3 months of my life, done with. No more Chemistry, no more Economics, but also no more lunches with T and Tim walking me to class and LIT classes with Brandon. Now I eagerly (tha'ts a lie) await next semester...