Mar 26, 2004 22:38
well, not much has occured lately. tonight we played the battle of the bands at REV High School...yeah, we blew.we didnt even place....oh well, screw it. it was a popularity contest and we're losers anyways....but it was pretty funny to see jared pull out a flask in front of the crowd acting like he was boozin it up.haha, the VP was pissed. what nazis (REV faculty). they wouldnt even let me sit on the ground...assholes. im in extreme pain right now, sine ive barely sat down today, so my feet are killing me, i have a headache, im tired, im upset, and i have poison the well stuck in my head. damnit. oh well, i <3 that band anyways. yeah, it was pretty lame tonight. lots of hardcore kids, but of course i didnt talk to them, me? the nerd in the hardcore punk band talk to hXc kids? *gasps* never! i would die from their coolness and segregation from anyone not hXc. i mean come on people, just because people dont listen to the same music doesnt mean youre better than them. now, im not saying all HXC kids are like this because majority of them arent, i really enjoy hanging out with them, but its the ones who are really stuck up and snobby to people is what annoys me. sorry about that lil outburst. wow, i am definitley not in a happy go luck mood right now. i think im going to try and sleep it off.