Right, I'd better post the progress of my Who's Your Daddy? Challenge before I play too far ahead.
Ready to meet some new Buns?
Buns in the oven; A-C.
I seem to have neglected to tell you that Omarina's hobby is tinkering and her LTW is to reach Golden Anniversary, none of which are terribly important for this challenge but I must admit I am a tad miffed that she got a LTW which she can't fulfil till after this challenge is over.
At least her secondary Romance aspiration makes her roll romantic wants which are easy to fulfil.
As promised, Ray McAuley the Secret Society guy was the first to be invited to Omarina's new abode in Pleasantview, and they wasted no time in getting down to business.
Please forgive the unsightly bare walls and the completely empty garden, I will get to work on those as soon as Omarina has some more Simoleons. The social glasses rack is there because a babydaddy-to-be werewolf came along in the welcome wagon. You'll get to see him later on in the challenge.
Pregnant first try, goodbye Ray.
Aww no, she did see Ray again, she needed some aspirational building dinner dates to keep her going during her pregnancy, and no harm keeping a lookout for other potential babydaddies at the same time.
I simply couldn't believe my luck when Komei showed up so soon; why he is the one intended for Omarina!
Yes, Komei is to be Omarina's husband, it's my "thank you" to Omar for letting me use his simself in this way, and I am very happy with it too as I have never played Komei before.
After meeting Komei, Omarina just couldn't get back into swing with her date with Ray.
Her want to WooHoo Ray had rolled away in favour of becoming friends with Komei.
From then on, Komei became a regular feature in the Bun house, and as you can see he was also present at the birth of baby "A".
Meet Aileen Bun. A little baby girl who, with her skintone #3 and dark-blue eyes and brown hair, is a lovely mix of her parents.
I don't have much of a naming scheme, other than using Scottish names.
I get the names from
Behind the Name in case you are curious.
Omarina then invited the Vacation townie Jessie Miguel over to get the next Bun in the oven.
Success on second try. Baby "B" is on it's way.
Oh and don't worry Omarina my friend; you're going to get a whole lot more of the same.
Aww, autonomous puddle-mopping, how sweet. But it's not going to work Jessie. Bye.
As you see, Omarina has already made the connection.
And it's time to see how Aileen has faired genetically.
She is cute enough, I don't remember downloading that hair though, but I obviously must have.
I don't know if y'all want to know her stats but as I have my notes right here next to me as I write, I might as well give them: Aries 10/10/9/3/1.
Gratuitous cute toddler pic.
I promise I will not spam you too much with toddler pics, but it's very hard not to. A good exercise for me though.
Now the "B" Bun is in the oven there is time for an aspirational-buliding engagement to Komei. Because nothing says love like glitching your arm through a table.
Goodbye for now Komei, see you at the wedding.
With the birth of "B" imminent it is time to invite baby-daddy "C" (Faxe Lothario) over. Omarina is in the third trimester, only her CC PJs don't seem to know it.
And yes, I had Omarina digging in the garden in an attempt to find some more vacation maps.
In the (still very empty-looking) living room it was time for Aileen to grow up.
I wonder if Chris will give us a bonus if all the kids grow up well? Nah, that's probably going to be too fiddly. Still...
Aileen learnt all her toddler skills before she grew up, I just didn't get the doodaad pics.
But that hair just looks too strange now, off to the mirror.
There, and thankfully she grew up in nice clothes, there really aren't money for frivolities such as new clothes yet.
Moments later Omarina gives birth to baby Boyd, yes a boy, with green eyes, red hair and skin#2.
Two tries, and baby "C" is in the oven.
My male simself, Sailor, is a regular visitor at the Bun house, and is often good at doing some autonomous childcare, but not always.
>Agh< Another gratuitous cute pic, my apologies.
... "Yes, just give it a day or two and she'll look like she has swallowed a football."
You know, I can't even remember which hobby guy this is, the Art one? But I just wanted to show that Omarina has met him so I can perhaps use him at a later stage.
Forward a few days and it's time for Boyd's birthday.
"Komei, stop annoying my dad and come and have some cake."
"Cake? I'd rather make out with you."
Boyd Bun, Libra 2/9/9/5/10.
He is going to give us some BIIIG creepy smiles with that BIIIG mouth. Other than that he turned out pretty cute, considering how his dad looks.
And now it's time to make Komei a permanent resident and bestow the surname "Bun" on him.
Come on Komei, can't you look at least a little bit excited?
"How can I? Have you seen the wedding guests?"
So yeah, I do apologise about Sailor's formal wear, guess I should have made more of an effort in CAS, but really, you can't blame him for needing a drink to steady his nerves can you?
OK, we could have done without the stinky toddler, I'll give you that.
The blue rings of happiness.
Only the Uni coach lady seem to think the wedding is more exciting than poor stinky Boyd.
And Sailor thought so too, after his can of "juice".
Thanks to Sailor and the Streaker guy's awesome dancing...
... the party was a success.
"Now can you please leave? One has a pregnancy bladder to attend to here."
"So, can we make my baby now?"
"Sorry Komei, there is already another Bun in the oven."
"But no harm in practicing, right?"
Two hours later, Komei's sweet dreams were interrupted by the cries of his new wife giving birth to another man's baby.
>pop< There; another bouncing baby boy, he will be named Cormag. Noseless with alien skin and eyes.
"Do you even know who the dad is?"
"Oh I have a fair idea."
The next morning, only hours after Cormag's birth, and only minutes after Komei had gone to work, Omarina invited her old Uni coach over for a bit of "exercise".
One woohoo and a quick click on the simblender...
... and Omarina is expecting baby "D"
Only one, thankfully, as long as we can stay on the single birth streak I'm happy.
Well, I thought Aileen might be wanting a friend, but it seems she is not all that keen on Alexander Goth.
"Aileen, tell me; do I want to know why your mum is out here, planting tomatoes, in her skivvies?"
">Sigh< Thought as much. I guess baby "D" won't be mine either then."
I'm sure Komei didn't deliberately set the cooker on fire, he pulled out his extinguisher fast enough, but still, I'd better keep an eye on him.
Poor Omarina was lying helpless with her head down the toilet while the fire raged.
The hero of the day was undoubtedly Sailor; as soon as the fire started he scooped up little Boyd and ran outside with him. I didn't even know visitors could do that.
We won't mention that he then left Boyd in a puddle and swaggered off home.
And that's it for this update. Join me in a week or so, perhaps sooner, for the birth of Bun "D" and some more growing ups.
Thanks for reading.
← Buns in the Oven: Prologue Buns in the Oven: D - F →