Rosa Farrell - Power of Love (2/2)

Oct 04, 2009 01:29

Title: Power of Love (2/2)
Theme + Number: #59 Loyalty
Claim Character: Rosa Farrell
Characters/Pairings included: Rosa/Barbariccia, Rosa/Cecil/Barbariccia
Fandom: Final Fantasy IV
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Bi, Bond, F/F, M/F/F, MC, N/C, Cons, Oral, Spank, magic, wind, linked consciousness, bukkake
Summary: Gift-fic for Anonelbe. Birth of a beast. Can the bonds of love hold out against Barbariccia?
Author's Note: This is the second chapter where the heaviest amount of it comes into play. I hope some of you enjoy it!

Rosa huffed into her ball gag. Most days, Barbariccia allowed her moans to echo through the Tower of Zot, filling it with the soprano notes of her song. Today was different. Today, the bell on her collar, the one remnant from her first day in Barbariccia's care, was the only sound in the room to ring out loud and clear.

Today, Cecil would come for her.

"How's my kitten doing?" The room went green with Barbariccia's arrival, returning to normal as a yellow tornado whipped up and dispersed to reveal the near-naked fiend.

Rosa's back arched as the wind funnel within her pretty petals whipped fiercer. The Fiend of Wind truly knew no limits. For weeks, Rosa hung on display for Barbariccia's benefit, a prisoner turned pet trophy, teased with a constant gust of the fiend's namesake swirling her through layers of impure lust. Rather than leak down her legs, her fluids fed back into the typhoon to lubricate her assaulted channel, building an endless cycle of orgasms. She weathered each wave as best she could, day by day succumbing to pressure with passionate groans and wobbling legs.

Her crystal blue eyes crossed, her focus on the fiend's slutty saunter lost at once when a new climax crashed over her. She squirmed when she felt Barbariccia lick a bead of sweat running down her shaved armpit, the warm tongue soon replaced with the same cool, soapy wet washcloth she came to know quite well. The firm application of deodorant and a spritz of rosy perfume came in a pair afterward, part of her daily bathing ritual.

It was eerie to think that Barbariccia, a woman painted up like a cheap harlot from Baron's seediest alleys, understood and acted on the values of Rosa's noble upbringing in tending to her womanly needs. The fiend had the power to defile her, to apply pounds of gaudy makeup and cheapen the grand lustre of her blonde Farrell hair, yet Barbariccia chose to maintain Rosa's appearance as a lady. The hint of kindness perplexed her... and brought hope.

"There you go. It wouldn't be right to let you look ragged on your big day. Oh, and I have a special surprise for you!" Barbariccia produced a small pink vial from her side, showing it to her white mage captive. A pop and a light pour of its contents into her hands, and she squeezed them around the abundance on Rosa's chest. "I always love playing with your breasts. They're so soft and supple. I wonder what your darling Cecil will think of them... or perhaps Kain would be a better choice?"

Warmth flowed into her bosom, Rosa heaving as the wind teasing her sex died down. A desire... no, a NEED to have them groped and fondled sparked from the gentle tips of her nipples to the very wall of her chest. Her aureoles turned to a more vibrant shade of pink from the strange potion. The vial's contents again splashed into the fiend's hand, and a surge of heat entered her mound when Barbariccia's palm rubbed over it. She craved stimulation, the image of her true love taking her in this weak moment burning its way into her heart. As a long yellow-painted nail entered her slit, Rosa felt the ball gag slip away and Barbariccia's words flood her ears.

Barbariccia's bore her evil smirk. "When Cecil enters, I want you to tell him what a naughty girl you've been. I want you to tell him about all the men you've been having sex with while he was away, and how you tricked Kain into being with you by dressing like me."

"I'd never do that to him!"

"Who cares? It would be so fun to see a good girl like you lie."

The answers to certain mysteries unraveled for Rosa in that instant. The Fiend of Wind sought to shift her treachery. Every night that Barbariccia visited Kain's bedchamber would take on a new, twisted meaning if Rosa allowed the potions effects to take control of her by exchanging honesty for pleasure. Weeks of the fiend trying to break her will by normal means had come to this, invoking magic and items to mount pressure. Rosa attempted another use of her Teleport spell, her energies wasted as the mystical chains glowed blue and absorbed it.


The playful smile, an ever-present sight to Rosa during her captivity, fell from Barbariccia's lips. Her nails tapped the edge of Rosa's chin as she brought her face close, finally exposing the beast beneath her craven slut exterior.

She half-snarled, "Master Golbez trusted me to break you. If you won't obey, I'll have to take it out on your man."

The pounding of Cecil's fist on the room's large doors accompanied the pounding of Rosa's heart. She went numb, for the first time since the fiend began tormenting her. "Cecil's stronger than you think. He'll stop you."

"Even IF his heart is pure enough to resist my charms," Barbariccia said, "I can do far worse than kill him. After I catch him, I can journey down to the Sylvan caves and find a Bog Witch. Would you like to see your dear Cecil have sex with one that looks like that green-haired summon slut you tried to mother?"

"Stop!" Rosa protested.

"No, that isn't enough. You want to have sex with one that looks like Rydia too, don't you? There's nothing more exciting than corrupting your memory of that cute, traumatized little girl and forcing you to watch Cecil bear kids with some nasty hag from the poisoned marshes underground."

Yang's kicks had joined Cecil's efforts to break inside her prison chamber. It was lies, all lies. Barbariccia, born from a corrupted fragment of her spirit mixed with the Crystal of Wind's essence, knew precisely which truths to bring to the surface... and which to taint with the darkness of Golbez's master.

"You wouldn't!"

"Hmph. You're right, I wouldn't. That would be a waste of good sperm. I'll turn him and Kain into my man-slaves and bring them here to help me turn you into the biggest disgrace in Baron's history. You always wanted to ruin your family name, didn't you?"

Each outrageous tale fed into the next, her real hopes and dreams for the future tangled in Barbariccia's web of corruption. She didn't want to imagine them, but the suggestions forced their way in, playing out lives ruined by the evils of seduction and some mockery of her heart and soul used to achieve it. Love and worry for her beloved churned through her, the magics within making her whole body tingle and burn for one reason alone: him.

It was always for Cecil, the one man who held her devotion, the one man she would slather with her raw passion without regret. She would cross the barren deserts for him, brave the searing heat and blowing sands to save him, jump in the path of a Lightning spell to give him a chance to live.

She would die for him.

Light burst into the room as the doors to the chamber opened. She could feel the potion's power sinking beneath her skin, lacing together with the magic and desire deep inside. Barbariccia's will and threats bore down on her, and as the fiend's wicked winds blew around them, she screamed the one thing that mattered most to her.


"ROSA!" Cecil ran furthest into the fray out of all of them, yet he had to cover his eyes from the maelstrom engulfing half the room. He heard his comrades yelp as they were blown about. Cid, Yang, even the dragoon Kain were sent flying from the chamber, leaving Cecil alone when the room's giant doors slammed shut. He could hear everyone putting all their strength into breaking it down from the other side, held back by a wall of compressed air. His gaze fell back to the wild yellow winds as they parted, shocked at the sight before him as their voices called out to him.

"Cecil...." Rosa and Barbariccia moaned his name in unison. Their eyes glowed the same color pink as the strange aura that soon dimmed away from their naked bodies. The pair stood in awe of him, a half-Lunarian by birth, thinking up every dirty kink they could offer him.

"Rosa! Are you okay?"

The girls giggled, Barbariccia speaking first. "I'm fine."

"More than fine," Rosa said, her naughty smile showing as Barbariccia undid her chains. "I am in control. I can feel so much desire... so much lust. So much..."

Their smirks turned to warm smiles as they reminisced together, Barbariccia ending with, ""

"What's wrong, Rosa? What did they do to you?" Cecil stood there, trying to make sense of everything.

"Nothing's wrong. Nothing's wrong at all. Barbariccia is a small part of me... and I reclaimed her."

"Do you want to see?" Rosa asked. That wasn't a question for him to answer; it was one for her to tease him with. She was free. Her hands were unshackled, her feet touched solid ground... but she needed to be punished.

She turned around, hands pressing against the wall while Barbariccia's winds lifted her cape to reveal her beautiful toned ass. It was a piece of majesty that she normally kept cleverly concealed by two layers of cloth, her mother's hand-sewn cape and a beige skirt around her waist. Not anymore. It was on display for him now, every perfectly shaped inch out for his pleasure. She wanted him to take her any way he wanted, right there, but she knew a good, pure man like him needed some coaxing. Waving her bare ass, it jiggled as the first succulent slap made contact.

"Ooooh!" Rosa cried, a red mark forming. "I deserve to be spanked. I've been too much of a good girl all my life when I should have snuck into your bed and offered myself to you long ago."

"Rosa, what are you doing?!"

Barbariccia girlishly giggled. "Eheh. You can lie to yourself, dear, but you can't lie to me. I love you, Cecil. I love every part of you. I want you to be happy... and I'm going to make sure you are."

The fiend kissed into the palm of her hand and blew, magic floating toward Cecil with a gust. It drifted over the half-Lunarian's lips, the gift of Rosa contained within it creeping through him. It was like a key to his lock, assuring him that the pure, good-hearted white mage he always loved stood before him. Hidden desires bubbled out. New understanding came to light.

They were Rosa. They were both Rosa. Two bodies, one heart, one mind. One soul. Their union opened the floodgates of passions that Rosa knew a "good" noble lady ought not follow, a suggestion she actually held to unlike her mother's insistence that she take Kain as her husband instead of her true love.

Cecil smiled as Barbariccia's hand reared back, planting another hard, delicious smack to Rosa's exposed rump. His erection pressed against his holy white armor. Through Troia's shield maidens, alley dancers, vamp girls and witches, Cecil had remained steadfast in his chaste demeanor, nary a hint of his bastion of manhood to their advances. Yet, the sight of his holy lover, ready and waiting with devotion, strained the straps of his crotch plate.

A detail which Rosa caught as she would any other subtle change to her true love.

"Lord Cecil," Rosa smiled back, blue eyes glimmering lust. "Would you like to take your prize? You came all this way for me... and you deserve a big reward."

Barbariccia silenced the paladin with a finger to her lips. "Don't say anything. I can see it all over you. Let's get rid of that bulky armor."

Pieces snapped and scattered around him, the fiend's powers turning a minute-long ordeal into seconds of work. As the armor lay strewn across the room, a new, small funnel wrapped his sturdy phallus. His legs gave out, hands clenching his thighs as the yellow winds brought him to full stiffness.

"The Cecil I know would never whimper like this," Rosa chided.

"Rosa?" He rose up from his weakened state as strands of air teased his prick. Hesitance at following his true desires faded the instant Rosa invited him.

Slipping low, Rosa's breasts mashed against the tower floor. The fiend's weight dropped against the small of her back, adding to the accentuated offer of her nether folds. Prying fingers held her pussy agape to show its innocent pinkness.

Barbariccia grinned to Cecil, "A real paladin knows when to sheathe his sword."

He advanced. The effort was seamless. The wind formed a pillar, one he plunged into Rosa's sopping cleft with all his might. Yellow spun in the space between his manhood and her sex, whipping both lovers into a groaning frenzy. He heard gentle whispers fly up from Rosa's pink lips, eyes opening as she raised a hand toward their joining.

"Protect!" The glowing yellow barrier erected along her inner walls. With it, the fearsome power of Cecil and Barbariccia's dual attack to her virgin loins dampened to bearable levels. Slyly, she began the process of preparing for their first time, stacking spells to enhance their special day.

"Slow! Haste!" Surprisingly clever even to her, the spells targeted specific functions. The forward thrust of Cecil's shaft, and the divine stimulation it brought, endured for longer seconds as Slow dragged out her sense of them. The same effect passed along to Cecil as his hands gripped Rosa's waist, Haste speeding his movements beyond normal. Combined, the spells prolonged their session and staved off the awkwardness of their new, growing bond. Rosa's juices leaked to the whirlwind inside her, while the heavy flow of Barbariccia's wetness down Rosa's sides revealed the full strength of the soul-union between white mage and fiend.

Their pleasure was linked.

"OOOOhhhhh Lord Cecil!" they moaned together. A slight turn of her hand, and Barbariccia changed the entire form of wind she used. The hurricane raging between Rosa and Cecil transformed into a vacuum seal. Every bump, every grind grated harsher against sensitive flesh, Cecil's member straining both in and out as it pumped through the vacuum's center. High on arousal, Barbariccia began to tweak her thick dark nipples, obscenely large to match the fiend's enormous hunger for sex. This trickled down to Rosa, her smaller, sweet pink nubs picking up the jolts of every naughty pinch.

Mischief, dulled to light-hearted fun from its original cruelty, showed in Barbariccia's smile as a plan formed in their dual-mind.

"You liked that, did you? Well then, how does it feel when I do... this?" Barbariccia harshly twisted the cap of her own tit, drinking in the musical tone of Rosa's gasp.

"Ahh... it feels so...," she said. The constant, sucking bond that kept her and Cecil together caused shivers of delight. Baron nobility spoke against passions of the flesh, yet her glorious moment with Cecil proved more divine in her heart than the most abstinent white mage. She felt light, floating on the clouds of love. The best of her rosy perfume rose out with the fragrance of her body. Phantom hands mauled her aching bosom.

She could feel her lover quiver between her thighs. The dry spasms of his member served as a warning. Its full milking came to fruition as Cecil let his seed fly, heading for her womb. The noble lady's own orgasm came rushing forth in perfect synch to her lover's. Through her link to Rosa, Barbariccia began to ride through hers as well, clenching the white mage's buttocks tight. For all the men and women she fucked, the fiend not once knew the glory that came when love fueled sex.

It overwhelmed her, pussy flowing as she came on Rosa's back. Where the white mage's moans came out in a soft and fluttery bird song, Barbariccia's sounded out like a wolfish howl. Beauty and beast, lady and whore, Barbariccia possessed all the power needed to destroy anyone she targeted... except Rosa. Through her will and heart, Rosa had subdued the savage slut. But like all bonds, the fiend's dirty ideas fed back to the white mage and loosened Rosa's inhibitions, further evidenced as Rosa cast another spell.


Meant to bring her a taste of Cecil's seed, Rosa's spell instead targeted both Cecil and Barbariccia and missed their true destination. The portal formed over her head, the mingling of their three fluids adding to the gloss of the famous Farrell locks. It soaked into her ponytail and dripped off her bangs. Barbariccia and Cecil moving off her aided its travel as Rosa stood, her hair clinging against her chest as cum oozed to her nipples. Lustily, wantingly, Rosa set her teasing eyes upon Cecil. It was all to prepare him for the next proof of her love. Kissing three of her raised fingers, she pressed them against her messy sex in symbolic gesture, as if announcing the pact she soon spoke of.

"My body is yours, Lord Cecil," Rosa giggled. "You can ravage me how you please, when you please. And when the day comes, I will bear a perfect heir to your throne."

"You don't need to call me lord," Cecil said.

"Yes I do. You're a good man, and you deserve respect... and cleaning." Rosa eyed the trickle of Cecil's seed down the underside of his manhood, as she used Scan upon it. She gauged the refractory period it revealed to her while Barbariccia moved into place, back pressed firmly to the ground. Perfectly positioned. Guiding Cecil downward, her sex nestled into the fiend's open mouth, Barbariccia's cleansing tongue bath causing her to shudder. Her hands brought his to Barbariccia's exposed chest, following her blatant suggestion by bending forward to wrap her lips around Cecil's slumping erection.

Long, steady, sensuous licks up and down Cecil's shaft contrasted to the fast, sloppy, eager ones planted by Barbariccia in cleaning the good lady's loins. Odd as it may seem, the social graces taught to Lady Rosa expressed themselves in how neatly and gently her mouth caressed her lover. Likewise, Barbariccia's lack of them made an appearance as she gave not a thought to restraint, wildly eating Rosa out for all she had left. To bear the sensations, Cecil held on to Barbariccia's breasts like a stress grip.

As Rosa pleased him, her drenched hair hanging from their sticky lovemaking, Cecil looked her body over with new eyes. Cum ran down her back, seeping into the crack of her lovely rump where Barbariccia lapped it up. On her, it took on a phase of beauty, enhancing her well-maintained figure like a sheen of the clear oils and ointments from potion makers.

His hips forced their own way up as his shaft exploded in another wave of orgasm to Rosa's Scan-aided ministrations.

"Mmmm," she hummed, teasing another spurt into the back of her throat. A slow breath through her nostrils brought a whiff of what she had always longed for, her and Barbariccia lavishing every moment. She was in heaven, her hands that once healed mortal wounds on dying soldiers now used to cop a feel of Cecil's scrotum.

Yet like all things, it had an end.

Rosa pulled away, speaking a truth neither she nor Barbariccia wanted to admit.

"Cecil.." she said. "We're drifting apart."

They could feel their soul bond weakening.

Barbariccia moved out from under Rosa, standing to join the lord and lady. She never thought to wipe the dripping juices from her mouth. "I don't want to go. I want to love! If I become myself again, I'll want to kill both of you, and then..."

The women exchanged knowing glances. They knew. Their breasts pressed against each other as Rosa embraced the fiend in a warm hug. Light beamed off the pair, its intensity shutting out the holy paladin as he covered his eyes. Lips, tongues, the heavy pantings and groans of making out filled his ears before a lone voice among them called out.

"Take care of yourselves. And put me on display where I can be remembered for what I am... that's an order."

As the light faded, one woman remained. The other, encased in stone. Barbariccia stood tall, her statuesque form painted with a whorish scrunch on her face. Her mouth hung open to suggest a fierce moan while a wind funnel appeared to spin inside her gaping pussy. With one hand over her hairy tuft and the other groping one of her tits, Barbariccia looked every bit the picture of a low-class alley skank, the kind that sought pleasure above all else in life.

Beside the petrified form of the Fiend of Wind, Rosa got up from her low squat. Her cape shuffled on the ground behind her as she walked up to her love, clean head to toe as the statue Barbariccia had taken on all the mess of their three-way. Taking advantage of Cecil's uncertainty, she leaned in to leave a long, hot kiss, mouth fresh as the day Golbez had abducted her.

In the midst of the moment, timing had its impeccable charm. Barbariccia's transformation caused the barrier of air to falter, and with it, the doors burst open with one of Yang's expert kicks. The 'cavalry' rushed in after him, Cid's hammer held high and Kain's spear ready to thrust through the she-demon. Instead, they stopped short, variously puzzled by the happy couple. As Rosa broke the kiss, Cecil moved quick to drape her nakedness in his cape and hold her in his arms, both turning to their companions.

"What happ-" Kain began, but froze as his mind let him realize what he didn't want to know. "...Oh."

"About time!" Cid cheered. "When's the kid comin, eh? Just because you're havin an adventure and savin the world doesn't mean ya can't have a couple while you're at it."

Rosa blushed. A repeat of the question Kain started had Rosa consulting her lover, throwing her head back to whisper into his ear. She explained everything. The fiend that had tormented her for so long, influenced by the power of love, couldn't stand to part from love's hold over her... so she became a part of Rosa. Memories of everything the fiend did had slipped into the ether, none of them riddling Rosa's mind, but the raw passion that opened new doors lingered in her heart.

Cecil prepared a cleaner version for his friends to hear... when the walls began to shake around them.

"The Tower of Zot is collapsing." Kain noted.

"Damn! There isn't enough time to get back to the entrance." Cid cursed his lack of forethought; a bombardment or two to the tower's roof might have been enough for them to get on board the Enterprise.

"Everyone! Around me!" Rosa called out to them, waiting for each to come close enough for her spell to affect them. Kain, Cid, Yang, all three plus one were within the range she could muster. She chanted, energy pulsing through her as she said, "Teleport!"

Though the effect had a certain look to an outside viewer, to them, the transfer took place in an instant. The collapsing structure of the Tower of Zot had been traded for another, more familiar one. With stone walls, and sunlight streaming in from the window, Rosa chose the one place she wanted to be. The one place she cherished most of all. A place she would come to every night without fail, with or without her mother's consent.

Cecil's bedroom.

"That was close," Kain's rare optimism shifted to disgust as he saw the last thing he wanted to see had made the journey with them. "Why is she here?"

Rosa peered behind Cecil and smiled. His paladin armor lay in a nice pile on the ground... next to the Barbariccia statue. She answered back to him, undaunted. "We're putting her on display in the center of town."

"Why?" Kain challenged.

"Mmm... it's a long story." Rosa's arms wrapped around back of Cecil's head, her crystal blue eyes looking into his with longing. "Cecil? Do you think we could..."

He nodded, beaming as he looked to his allies. "Let's plan our next step later. Rosa and I need some time alone together."

"Hehe, say no more! Have at it kids, you ain't gettin any younger." Cid followed Yang toward the staircase, turning back when the clang of Kain's greaves did not.

"Rosa..." Kain somberly said.

"Come on Kain, I'll buy a pint for you." It was the least he could do, given Kain's feelings for Rosa. He waited for the dragoon to head down the stairs, sending a knowing wink to the happy couple as he left them.

Unfettered by prying eyes, Rosa smiled and took her lover's hand, leading him toward the bed.
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