Rosa Farrell - Power of Love (1/2)

Oct 04, 2009 01:28

Title: Power of Love (1/2)
Theme + Number: #59 Loyalty
Claim Character: Rosa Farrell
Characters/Pairings included: Rosa, Barbariccia, Golbez
Fandom: Final Fantasy IV
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Bond, N/C
Summary: Gift-fic for Anonelbe. Birth of a beast. Can the bonds of love hold out against Barbariccia?
Author's Note: Let's just say I was... hesitant, to post this story on here. When I think of the LJ comm for FF4, the last thing I think of is people who want to read adult fics that involve heavy sexual content. Especially when it's loaded with male-focused interests. I eventually decided it wouldn't hurt to simply post it.

She thought that being bound and hung on display like some trophy would cause the rope to bite into her sensitive lily skin, yet her weight sat just so for her comfort. Her body swayed. Her wrists flexed. She blew strands of hair from her eyes and looked down to the man who brought her here, the new commander of Baron's Red Wings that almost killed the man of her dreams.

Intimidation and force were Golbez's methods, she could sense that from the day she saw him. She hung still as the sharp-tipped fingers of his gauntlets threatened to draw blood from her breast, opposing the man's dark will to see her tremble like some scared little girl.

"You show no fear," his voice rang hollow and empty in his metal flesh. "What a pity. It would have been sweet to see Cecil's face when Kain told him how his woman holds such fear in her heart for me that she lost control of her bladder."

"Cecil will save me," was her response, resolute and unflinching.

Day after day she slept and woke with the spectre of her capture haunting her. She bore witness to Cecil's shipwreck, his ascension of Mount Ordeals, and that one shiningly glorious moment when he found the light inside him that she had many times beckoned from his beating, mournful heart. The knowledge and sight of Cecil's well-being made up for her endless place as a captive among evil, and the occasional visit from Kain brought the warmth of loving friendship in spite of his betrayal. Each moment came with a chance to help the torn man redeem himself, and she took them all to the limits she could.

Hope, love and light. She held to them tightly. Compassion warded off the corrupting influence of her keepers and swelled in her bosom. She wanted to reach out to both men, her dear friend Kain and his 'master' Golbez. With one touch, she might bring them back from the darkness as she had done with Cecil for so long. They needed connection, a person to look to for comfort and guidance. She could be a beacon. Her legs dangled freely and her wrists stretched the rope that bound them.

Golbez spoke. "What did you think of Scarmiglione? Do you think your darling Cecil would love you if the foulest creature on the Blue Planet had a chance to explore your body before him?"

"Please, release me. I can help you. I promise I can help," Rosa knew from where such violent words came. She offered solace rather than shrink from the man in the metal suit. Fear. Under the threats and gestures, she saw a little boy scarred by a life unknown to her.

The offer seemed to bounce off him as Golbez added further insults. "It's a shame that I did not have the Earth Crystal when I created Scarmiglione. With enough pressure, I could have convinced you to love that abomination almost as much as the man that inspired him."

"You... created that monster?"

He could see it in her eyes. The forthright rejection of what he suggested. "Every Fiend needs a spark to ignite the flames of life. The power I hold allows me to make one Fiend for every element, and I can make them stronger with the crystal's light."

"Is that why you're stealing the crystals? To create officers for an army of monsters?"

The air grew heavy from Golbez's silence. She could sense his gaze crawling up and down her flesh where it roamed. Her head bowed to watch, breath held as both black gauntlets undid the buckles of her belts.

They slid. They clanged. The tips of her toes played against the edge of her belts' leather as Golbez's left hand descended, her purple cloth shifted sideways. Her perfect pink puss. Exposed. Displayed. She had been saving the sight for Cecil. Always Cecil, her beloved, her hopeful betrothed.

Her golden crown. It showed in a wild, strewn mess, once trim and neat in careful preparation for that one day more magical than all the spells in Mysidia. Her time in the Tower of Zot had taken its toll on her noble treasure, the same toll that brought dense growth beneath her arms and undid the methodic tame to her Baron-famed hair.

She blushed, ashamed, cheeks pink as her chosen lipstick. She trusted his goodness, waiting for him to pull back, yet her blue eyes trembled with what the man could do with her at such mercy. When he spoke through the helmet's mask, she listened.

"My first two pawns suffered from the roles they had to fill. Scarmiglione and Cagnazzo will always look like beasts in disguise. I did not have their crystals when I made them like I did with Rubicante... or the new Fiend of Wind."

"OWW!" Rosa twisted at the sharp pluck of a hair. Her legs drove inward to bear the searing, needle-stick pulse. Her eyes fluttered with a bit of wetness at the corners as she looked down at a lone pube held by Golbez between thumb and forefinger.

Blue light shone. The Crystal of Wind floated from Golbez's right hand. Its radiance reflected on the small hair, a release of the man's fingers allowing it to hover alongside the mystical artifact. The marvel unfolded between them. Elemental might and dark will melded together seamlessly with a morsel of Rosa's spirit. A human shape manifested slowly in the blue light. That one small simple strand grew and changed, until at last the eye-piercing brightness dimmed to show its result.

Like a work of great alchemy, the ingredients had built a woman. Tipped ears, scanty-clad, eyebrows in a pointed arch. The fiend's features parodied the prized noble lady of Baron. Rosa's neat, articulate hairstyle and its lustrous glow in the faintest lighting had been shown on this fiend as large, unruly tresses that trailed well past her feet. In place of light gold blonde, the fiend's hair took on the dull color of barnyard straw. She reeked as if bathed in the cheapest perfume, contrasting to Rosa's usual spritzing of a cultured rose scent, yet the true stunner was the sweat-heavy odor of sex that it failed to hide.

Her lack of cover taunted Rosa with a bared belly, one of many claims made by people who saw her leotard from a distance. Her breasts were covered in large black pasties, her unpantied sex hidden by draping cloth so long as the wind blew the right way. The fiend made a note of this exploit by conjuring a gust, showing off a sex mane that fit her figure.

A strip of sheer cloth connected to each bracelet behind her back, large hoop anklets over bare feet, the green pendant drawing one's eyes toward a chest that equaled Rosa's in size. These details went against the noble's fashion sense, every carefully thought out accessory switched with something big, gaudy and cheap in a way that reminded her of Baron's many alley-strippers.

She strutted in a lascivious display of her 'goods', tits bouncing and hairy mound flashed to the open with each step. Her hand groped the white mage's soft, pillowy bosom, smirking when Rosa turned her head aside.

"I love it when they're tied up and waiting for me. It's much more fun when they can't escape," the fiend clasped her long, dark fingernails around Rosa's chin and forced her to look forward.

Leaping on the noble's unreadied mind, she pressed in. Smooth, strawberry-flavor lipstick rubbed off on the fiend's lips. One hand pressed against the small of Rosa's back. With the other, she held the mage's head still to prevent another fleeing turn. She could sense the mage's heart beat quicken under these efforts, not out of love, not out of lust, but from the slow drain of air from her lungs. Reducing Rosa to gasps with her powers, the fiend breathed into Rosa's face at the exact moment she released her hold.

"My my, have I taken your breath away? You must really want me." Self-satisfied with Rosa speechless, she played with the woman's hair when a dark, stern voice made her turn.

"Barbariccia. You will serve as the Fiend of Wind in my service."

She wrapped her arm around the neck of her recovering plaything, hand to a cocked hip as she answered, "What service would that be? Something sexy I hope."

He spoke, tone unswaying, "I need a good henchman to... prepare... Rosa Farrell to work in my service. Cecil's feelings for her and her white magic abilities would be a powerful asset for my cause."

"Henchwoman," Barbariccia corrected. "You can't handle torturing such a radiant, loving beauty. That's why you made me, isn't it? You thought that taking a part of her spirit and perverting it might create a Fiend that would find joy in tormenting her."

"Watch your mouth. I did not make it to insult me."

She could see through him, a product of the very same emotional sense she took on from her inspiration. Golbez was a frightened little child under the tough metal exterior he used to hide any sign that he was less than a monster. Pathetic, that she would come to be by his hand and serve him when he couldn't savor the beautiful suffering of a holy beacon. Her real master, the entity that gave Golbez his marching orders, must have demanded Rosa's fall. She and her cherished Cecil were the only obstacles to their plans, goodness sabotaging their evil works. That the former captain of Baron's Red Wings still lived after the assault on Fabul proved this.

Barbariccia walked to Golbez and cupped his armored groin. "No, you made my mouth so I could fill it with cocks. Every woman should be naked and on her knees ready for someone to use her, right? Will you watch when I wrap my lips around Cecil's-"

"Enough of your games, vile wench," Golbez backed his threat with a bolt of blue lightning passing on the sharp tips of his metal gauntlet. The fiend's silence assured him of obedience to the chain of command. "Good girl. I am putting Rosa in your care."

"Like a pet?" she said. "I love pets. Rosa, do you remember that chocobo you found when you were eight?"

"Stop..." Rosa eeked out, voice returning.

Barbariccia grinned. "Wouldn't it be fun if we went and found one like him to fuck us? We could make it a girls' night out. Rydia would have a lot of fun if she were alive, that girl had a lot of potential on the streets. People would pay a lot of gold for an exotic whore like her when she grows up... and more before that."

"STOP!" An uncommon red fluster overtook Rosa from face to chest, revealing her distaste for such crude remarks about the sweet little girl she loved like a daughter. Her sorrow over the shipwreck lingered on in her heart, for the men who left wives and children behind, but most of all for the tragic loss of an innocent who went through so much suffering in her short life. Rosa had only just healed those wounds in Rydia.

"Oh, I'm going to have so much fun with you." Barb's nail traced around the upper pink lining of Rosa's leotard as she held back her longing to explore her inspiration's body. She listened to her de facto leader.

"I have another task," Golbez said. "I want you to have sex with Kain each night. You have the same spirit as Cecil's would-be lover, that should be enough to keep him under my control."

"Your plan is for me to fuck him into submission?" she questioned. "I like it. You can trust that my special skills will keep him under your control."

"No! Leave Kain alone!" Rosa protested.

"Hush. You should worry more about yourself."

Patience, like a cat waiting to spring on a mouse. She traced along the noble's fine features, relishing Rosa's subdued dread.

"Never forget," her master added. "Kain will not want you as your own person. He will want you as a replacement for what he can never have."

"You mean I'm his personal cum dumpster. I get it." Where any normal woman would sneer in disdain at such suggestions, Barb smiled, chest heaving at the mere idea of being drenched head to toe in Kain's gooey cum. She made plans to return to Rosa's prison chamber after her first time, flaunting its smell to the noble's crinkling nose while remarking on its delicious salty taste. Oh, how their relationship would strain from such teasing.

"Women are an emotional gender. Do not mistake what he shares with you in bed for love."

"I'm not a woman, I'm a beast, remember? Your puppet is the one that needs your warning, not me. Is there anyone else you would like me to fuck... in any sense of the word?"

"No, that will be all." Golbez confirmed.

"Hmm, I see. It's a shame that Scarmiglione is dead. I would have loved to feel his unholy dick between my legs." Her passion for the defeated Fiend of Earth, a failure in his own right, reflected a twisted version of the bond between Cecil and Rosa. Even through the wringer of corruption, the shred of Rosa's spirit within Barbariccia pined for a pale, decayed rendition of Cecil that complemented her slutty demeanor. She watched as her master took his leave, the door to the chamber closing behind him.

Alone, with full freedom to play. Barbariccia's fingers ran through the famous Baronian's beautiful strands. Her other hand moved lower, running along the small slit of Rosa's sex. For all the men she hoped to breeze through, Barb doubted she would ever enjoy a sight as lovely as her inspiration bracing for what she knew would come.

"You look pitiful. Let's get you out of those dirty clothes."

The light breeze licking Rosa's flesh became a whirlwind. Her leotard ripped apart, seam by seam. With a solid wall of yellow before her eyes, she sensed the tiny razor cuts of wind work flawlessly under Barbariccia's direction, massaging where no fabric remained. Her tension flitted away and she slumped in her bindings. The soothing, sensational rubs almost made her lose track of what was really happening to her away from peering eyes. It was like a wind cocoon, affording some delightful privacy denied to her as a prisoner. A light jingle on the air and the tightness of something wrapping around her neck broke her mind free of this little spell, as she called out.

"Stop! My mother made me this cape!"

"I know," Barb said. "Did you think I would forget something like that? I won't hurt your precious cape. In fact, I think you will look lovely wearing it when I'm done with your make-over."

Her thoughts instantly jumped to memories of women in gaudy, cheap dress, eyeshadow and lipstick accentuating a lower view of class. Not that she held anything against them. Her heart went out to all who needed it. Yet as a noble, her refined tastes did not agree with the outlandish style that Barbariccia hotly embraced.

Her concerns shifted when a tingle erupted at her crown and tail bone. She could feel the new protrusions twitching by instinct, and as her wind cocoon dispersed, she understood what happened from the fiend's remarks.

"If you're going to be my pet, you should look like one."

It sank in as real when her pink tail wrapped around her waist. The tinkling of the bell on her pink collar when Barb tapped it highlighted her perceived status. Rosa cringed to the touch of Barb's fingers rubbing one of her furry pink ears.

"The spell won't last long, but my how cute you are!" Barb whispered in her sultry way. "I'll make you purr, my pussy cat."
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