Ive Seen

May 10, 2008 21:29

Better days.

I guess you can say i have an emotional hangover? Confused like normal.

What did you expect? I wish i wasnt so damn in love with the kid. I know why youre doing this, and i dont blame you. Its not that i disagree, id just want for something more. I guess a few days to let this cool off will do us both some good. I want to make friends work too, but i also know that isnt entirely possible either in the given situation.

You say "Friends is all we can be for now and for a while..." well kid, that still makes me think you dont plan on things being like this forever. It makes me cross my fingers still, and hope for a late night phone call. I said from the start i could wait, and i know thats what you want if you wont admit it.

its more for me anyways.

So good news! I got hired at EatnPark! Whee! I go tuesday to fill out paperwork. I need another job bad, but i also applied at the casino. I dont know if i can or should even attempt 3 jobs, but i need to keep busy. Thinking too much right now is bad.

Inkage is going well. The first people i showed it off to were some local pagans i ran into at walmart. <3 pagans.

Pics? You bet kids.

Ill be going back to that steamily yummy man to get it all finished up in about 3 weeks. Oh my was he tastey. XD

I am so god damned happy i finally did it. It didnt hurt nearly as bad as id thought it would, and now its like a mild sunburn.

Id originally planned on getting it on the very back of my arm, but we had decided on getting it more centered, and it sort of wraps around my shoulder just perfectly. Theres still plenty of room for the other tattoos ive planned for the adjacent area, so im very pleased.



Mo<3 (heartbroken but surviving just the same.)
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