Wink Up 2015/05: Question 10

Apr 23, 2015 21:50

Q1. "There's no such word in my dictionary". Which word is it in your case?
K: Anger.
M: It's a tough question... "Hara hachi bun me" (moderate in eating).
S: Games with a ball. No such thing, I guess.
T: Words like "impossible" or "half-hearted".

Q2. What thing would you like to replace by a new one in the nearest future?
K: The speakers for my phone.
M: Futon, down futon.
S: Fridge.
T: Wallet.

Q3. "We look alike, huh"... Which animal makes you think so?
K: A fox. It has narrow eyes!
M: A bear.
S: A rabbit.
T: A dog? (giggles)

Q4. How would you comfort a crying little child?
K: I'd sit closely, with our eyes on the same level.
M: "Kumamon gymnastics"
S: I can't, I can't, I don't have any repertoire for this.
T: I'd ignore him/her. I've heard it's the best tactics.

Q5. Do you sleep in total darkness or with some dim light on?
K: In total darkness, I think.
M: I turn everything off. And I don't have any nightlights in the first place.
S: In total darkness.
T: I turn all the lights off.

Q6. When you hear "invincible, unrivaled" - what comes to your mind?
K: Tegoshi!
M: I!
S: Freeza (a Dragon Ball character). He was defeated in the end, though.
T: Mario when he catches stars!

Q7. If you eat a special of the day at a restaurant, what do you prefer?
K: Pork fried with ginger.
M: Pork fried with ginger.
S: Mackerel simmered in miso.
T: Mackerel simmered in miso.

Q8. Please, name a kanji that makesone think of spring, other than "haru" itself.
K: Pollen.
M: Pollen.
S: It's pretty difficult... Graduation.
T: Pollen. Or sakura.

Q9. How would you estimate your level of understanding a woman's heart, out of 100%?
K: 70. The level of my own "girl power" is pretty high, after all.
M: A bit higher than 50... 51-52%.
S: 50.
T: 1000%!

Q10. Please, draw a "sparkling" first-year pupil!

Massu just wrote the word and added some sparkles, and Tegoshi's (surprisingly human-looking) boy is singing Ichinensei ni Nattara, "When I Become A First-Grader".

Selfie-corner: Please, take a picture of yourself wearing a flower headband and looking all handsome.

credits for the scans: inala-san

translation: text

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