The essence of my youth, it’s like we’ve been growing up together all these 10 years (Ricchi, Aichi)
I love them to pieces (Shirapon, Fukuoka)
People whom I love very much, thanks to them I was able to meet my dear friends (Yuriko, Nagasaki)
I like them a lot and want to always watch over them (pimo, Shizuoka)
My ultimate allies (Shohorin, Gumma)
People who always give me a push when I need it (Nacchaman, Aichi)
When I think about what they are to me, it almost brings tears to my eyes (Ichi, Kanagawa)
A group of princes who are the most wonderful in the whole world (Mizuho, Nara)
A presence that doubles the joy and divides sad things in two (Haru, Miyagi)
Always the center of attention (Nattsu, Tokyo)
Forever in some corner of my heart, giving it strength (S-ko, Okayama)
If I didn’t meet them I’d lose a lot (Koyayakko, Hyogo)
My motivation (Satou, Kanagawa)
A presence which showed me the strength to always move forward (Aoringo, Hyogo)
My life force, like the oxygen (Aon, Tokyo)
When I think about them, my chest tightens and I feel so warm (Asako, Chiba)
People whom I wish to be the happiest in the world (Kanapyon, Osaka-fu)
Specialists in making the fans happy (Mitsumitsu, Kanagawa)
Beloved people, dear to my heart (Rimi, Kagoshima)
Vital as much as the amino acids! lol (Hungry, Aichi)
Real princes, who I thought didn’t exist in this world (Ryou-chan@shigebu)
Idols with the ultimate power to make you fall for them over and over again (Aquarium-with-goldfish, Kanagawa)
We share love with each other (Reirei, Wakayama)
Divine boyfriends (MaoshigeNEWSrabu)
Parents-kids communication (Ruu-neko, Aichi)
Group which walks the path of life along with me (Tomotan, Ibaraki)
Idols surpassing any imagination or dreams (Reeeei, Nagano)
Despite the distance it feels like they are always by my side (Sakura, Gumma)
Irreplaceable, treasured presence (Misa-chan)
Love that can be seen with your own eyes (Micchan, Tokyo)
People who color up plain everyday life (Miro, Osaka-fu)
They helped me to believe that dreams really come true if you do your best (Hyori, Kanagawa)
The symbol of strong bonds and hard work! (YUmi, Okayama)
All their performances are the source of my energy (Suzu, Tokyo)
They make my heart race, I want to protect them, this kind of presence (Yuuki, Osaka-fu)
Endlessly cute treasure (Shamu, Shimane)
Moving slowly but steadily (Ame-san, Tokyo)
Amazing people who helped me and my older sister become much closer (Rikouchobi, Shizuoka)
NO NEWS NO LIFE! (Kopii, Saitama)
They are like family, always make me smile (Miorin, Tokyo)
Love as it is (Ikumi, Akita)
I’ll never leave their side (Momomi, Shiga)
Thanks to them I am who I am now (kao, Hokkaido)