So I was reading through the early chapters of my first ever Ruroken fanfiction (this was six years ago) and needless to say. I cringed. I couldn't believe how unbelievably immature and shrill my writing was. The writing feels stilted. The feel is all wrong, and I know the characters would rather die before speak like they do in the initial chapters
Even the sentences where I've inserted coarse language sound as though they've put on show-clothes but are uncomfortable in them. It all feels like a postured, very artificial sort of setting. It was painful reading through it.
I can only thank the people who read this story when it began, for all their encouragement. I can't believe they all gave me so much love for this story despite how cringe-worthy I find it now. I have been toying with the idea of re-writing certain portions of those inital chapters, just so they do justice to the later ones. There is a marked change in my writing since then, and I would like to bring those first five chapters up to scratch.
But I'm not sure whether I should. Do I just leave it as it is? Just to see how far and how much I've improved as a writer, or do I go back and change it all.