#33 - 2014 Icon Progression

Dec 29, 2014 20:08

J a n u a r y

Once upon a time, slytheringurrl first opened Photoshop and started iconing.  After signing up for tvshow20in20, I made one of my first batches of icons this year. Although I had only started iconing in December 2013, I guess these icons weren't too shabby.  I realized my love for negative space too!

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F e b r u a r y

Weeeelll, it was a bad month for iconing.  I think that the three above were some of the only good icons that came out of the month.  I got really lucky in January with some decent icons but in February, my lack of talent clearly showed.

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M a r c h

March was a slightly better month, perhaps.  And, tbh, I think that my posts were all messed up until this point since I moved posts from my personal LJ to my icon journal.  So, IDK when I made these icons, really... But, I finally started iconing animation this month, which led me into some really cool things!

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A p r i l

Very minimal improvement was shown this month.  Well, kinda.  I started to reguarly post all icons to my icon journal, which was pretty organized of me, I guess. But other than that, it was a pretty boring month.  I did realize that during that month, I did start to use a little bit of text, which was kinda cool. I made a set for tvshow20in20 and participated in a icon battle over at iconbattling.

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M a y

May was rather uninteresting.  I did not make any icon posts and was not a good iconing month. I tried to finish a 20in20 set but that did not happen.  These are probably the few good icons I made.

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J u n e

This was probably the worst icon month ever. I'm so embarrased about those icons - I even thought about deleting them!  The only icons I had made for June were for tvshow20in20. I was obsessed with the whole vertical lines thing (which was a terrible phase) and every icon in the set was over pixelated and just terrible quality. And, the ironic part is that at that time, I didn't realize that they were soo bad.

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J u l y

I HAD A BREAKTHROUGH! In July, I made over 100 icons, some of which are pretty good! I finally started to play around with composition  and was halfway successful with my attempts.  Also, I participated in my first round of character20n20 and really enjoyed that!

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A u g u s t

August was a pretty chill month for me; nothing really notable happened.  I did try to use more text and compositon and that went pretty well.  RL was pretty busy so I didn't spend as much time on PS as I thought I would.  I did make some graphics posts though, so that was pretty cool :)

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S e p t e m b e r

In September, I participated in a lot of challenges like pll_stillness and whitecollaric so I was able to make a bunch of icons.  I also make some Neal Caffrey icons for character20n20.  IDK though, RL was just getting busier so I didn't make as many icons as I had wanted to.

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O c t o b e r

I apparently wasted a lot of time in October.  I made my first texture set (!!!), participated in the annual Caffrey-Burke day, made icons for TWO 20in20s and wrapped it up with a praise post.  I participated in my first round at inspired20in20, which was super cool!

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N o v e m b e r

November was pretty cool! I participated in my first icon battle at cardwars and also made some icons for be_compromised as Halloween gifts.  I also embraced my favorite minimalistic center crop w/ a solid background icon style too!

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D e c e m b e r

Demember was amazing for my iconing!  I was accepted into elite_inspired, which was amazing, and won some challenges and ouat_elite and iimpossibletask.  Also, I got to make icon gifs for a bunch of other awesome iconers.

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2 0 1 4 → 2 0 1 5

Gotta say, 2014 was a pretty great year!  I'm thrilled to say that iconing is something that I really enjoy now, even if I don't always have time to icon.  I've met some awesome people this year and can't wait for an equally awesome, or better, 2015! I've resolved to improve my icons, use more text and comment more!

1. Make more icons
2. Improve the icons
3. Be more active

Also, thank you to my 15 watchers for watching motspeinture and supporting my icon endeavors.  Cause I excel at selfless self-promotion, if you want to see my icons in twenty fifteen, watch and/or join the comm!

**Thanks to rocketgirl2 for this layout that I found at icon_talk!**

!extras, &icon progression

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