Jan 29, 2006 12:41
why do the weekends go by so freakin fast?
i feel like it was just thursday night at the desk and i said to myself "it's okay i didn't do any school within these past 5 hours..i have the whole weekend to get the work done.
now it's sunday and i read HALF an article and i have SOO much more work to do in the next few hours.
crap. i suck.
but the weekend was good so i guess it's okay. i just...i'm a slacker.
my weekends start on thursday..which is SWEET. no classes on friday is a good time.
BUT i have work on fridays..which kinda...doesn't make the fridays that fun..but i don't mind because i get pizzaid.. and i wouldn't be doing anything else..hehe
it was an aaron weekend this weekend..b/c with UP (united percussion...the drumcore group he's in) on the move..he doesn't have a lot of free weekends so i have to take advantage of the weekends that he has free
so friday night i saw "waiting" with his in the BLC theatre...free movies are great for a girl that at this point right now is DEAD broke. the movie was really funny i liked it a lot...although i don't think i'll be rude to any waitresses or waitors anytime soon..and i will ALWAYS inspect my food. hahaha
afterwards we went to applebee's for dinner. yum. i LOVE applebees.
we drove around trying to find this sports and games place. we got really lost but it was fun to just drive around aimlessly talking and listening to music.
we found this street that we appropriately called "scary road" because that exactly what it was..a SCARY ASS ROAD. its off another almost equally scary round..but once you turn onto that street there are NOOOOO lights..just black..and creepy trees.
we made a turn into creepy road...and aaron that it would be funny to turn of his headlights and put the windshield wipers on a scare the CRAP out of me. hahaha.
but yeah that was fun.
saturday we slept in and then headed over to princeton to pick up my sister from her track meet. she got 9th out of like 30! she's awesome!
we came back to LinCOLN and ordered bossios..yum!
me and aaron somehow fell aslseep..
we didn't get to meet LTJ...the information e-mail about where and when got to us too late. j was at chris's and wouldn't have gotten back time.
i was a little sad. but not too sad. i had already siked myself out of wanting to meet them anyway.
me aaron and my sister hung out in lincoln until we had to go to the show..we picked up j and went on our way
me and my sister get in the car and i'm like alright araba here we goooooo! and i turn up the radio and all you hear is "Season's of Love" it was soo lame. but very funny.
the show..
the show was good. it was in a different venue than the last time..the place is tiny as hell.
LTJ played a lot of old stuff which was awesome only one new song that sounded kinda pop-ish as far as i'm concerned. ill probably still download buy the cd.
it was my sisters first show and she said she had a lot of fun. i kept watching over her and j to make sure they were okay. j got BEAT up last show and i was hopeing it'd be a better experience for her than last time. my sister did fine too. i was happy she had a great time at her first show!!
after the show i dropped j off and picked up aaron (no Denny's for us that night) and we trecked to verona to drop my sister off home.
by the time we got to verona it was 2:00am and we were TIRED so we went to Pilgrim to refuel and relax. for some reason business was BOOMING at 2:00am and there were like all sorts of drama there. first off it was crowded...a bunch of Rocky Horror type people came in and everyone was staring at them. the bus boy had just finished cleaning all the mats and people kept tripping over them...why? i dont' know..
me and aaron are eating and taking and all of a sudden you hear "dont' curse at me you ASSHOLE" from one of the waitresses to the bus boy and under the bus boys breath you hear "you're a fuckin bitch" it was SOOOO friggen random.
later on i overhear that the same waitress stole our waitresses tables and our waitress was NOT pleased...she told the manager AND yelled at the lady later...it was INSANE. but whatever.
after than we headed back to rider. we didn't get to school and officially to sleep till about 5 but it was totally worth it cause we had a great time driving and talking and stuff
we had a LATE start sunday but i spent the majority of the time after that in the library studying.
we had our first meeting of vibes for the semester.
there are A LOT of changes being made to the group which is good and bad. i dunno quite yet how i feel. i found out that the job me and kim have as PR/event coordinator isn't really an executive position so in reality we have NO word in big decisions being made in the group which kinda bothered me. if i knew that..i probalby wouldn't have signed up to do that. especially when i wanted to secretary and i was told it wasn't necessary than they made nick tresurer/secretary..whatever. it bothered me before..but i don't really care anymore..i guess that's bad but..oh well....i guess that's life.
i didn't stay for the singing cause i had work so..yeah
work was fine..it's mad boring. we have new people who have yet to warm up to me just like i have yet to warm up to them....so it's awkward.
new school week..already sick of ed class but i DID find out i'm going to be in 2nd grade again. i was hopeing for 1st or 3rd since i hadn't done those yet, but i liked second grade so i'll be happy with that.
we'll see what's in store for me the rest of the week! later loves!