On my motorcycle ride home last night, I thought I'd take a sniff at a cul-de-sac near our house. I've been doing the odd bit of a look for houses, in case we ever decide to buy, and saw a nice area with a vacant lot online, and thought "Why don't I drive by there and see what it's like?"
Turns out
this cul-de-sac is all of about 280 m/300 yds. long, but has about a 40 m/140' rise in elevation. Yup, about a 14% grade. Wow.
Drive up street, come to end with big circle, start doing slow u-turn in circle.
What? It's going downhill already? This fast? Ack!
I ended up not quite making the turn, and banging into the curb.
I now have a bent front wheel, a bruised foot (the bike must have landed on it), and a bruised hip (I definitely landed on that). Ouch. I don't think the foot is broken, 'cause, cell-phone-less, I walked about 2.7 km (1.7 miles) home on it.
Fortunately, when we transferred our CAA/AAA membership down here [I recently moved from Canada to California], I got the extra motorcycle coverage. So I could get a tow truck to take it to the dealer for me.
I gots owies. And I hope it doesn't cost too much to fix the wheel. And I hate feeling like a klutz.
That is all.
[xposted to my personal journal]